Procesul de producție a țevii compozite aluminiu-plastic determină grosimea benzii de aluminiu?


Procesul de producție a țevii compozite aluminiu-plastic determină grosimea benzii de aluminiu?

După cum știm, una dintre materiile prime cheie ale țevii compozite aluminiu-plastic este banda de aluminiu, iar grosimea benzii de aluminiu afectează direct performanța țevii compozite aluminiu-plastic.

in orice caz, whether the production technology is advanced or not directly limits the diameter of the aluminum-plastic composite pipe, and also affects the range of the thickness of the aluminium strip.

aluminium strip roll

rolă de bandă de aluminiu

2 production processes of aluminum-plastic composite pipe

1. În prezent, the most common production process is the overlap structure method, acesta este, the lap-welded longitudinal aluminum tube is made first, and then the inner and outer plastic tubes are made on the formed aluminum tube. The diameter of the finished pipe is generally less than 32 mm, and the thickness of the aluminum layer is 0.2-0.3 mm;

Aluminium-plastic composite pipe

Teava compozita aluminiu-plastic

2. Another more advanced processing technology: the butt joint method, acesta este, to make the inner plastic tube first, then make the butt-welded aluminum tube on it, and finally cover the outer layer with a plastic layer. The diameter of the finished pipe can reach 75mm, and the thickness of the aluminum layer is 0.2-2.0mm.