Caracteristicile tablei de aluminiu: 8 avantaje !

1. Placa de aluminiu este de calitate usoara: densitatea aluminiului este 2.7 g/dm3, care este despre 1/3 de cea de cupru sau de fier. Este un material bun pentru iluminare

2. Rezistența plăcii de aluminiu este bună: proprietățile mecanice ale aluminiului nu sunt la fel de bune ca cele ale oțelului, dar puterea sa specifică este mare, și elemente de aliere precum cuprul, magneziu, mangan, and chromium can be added to make aluminum alloy, and then heat treated to obtain high strength. The strength of aluminum alloy is better than that of ordinary steel, and it can also be comparable to special steel

3. Aluminum plate is easy to process: aluminum has excellent ductility and is easy to extrude hollow profiles with complex shapes and suitable for stretching and other cold thermoplastic forming

4. The aluminum plate is beautiful and suitable for various surface treatments: the surface of aluminum and its composite has an oxide film, which is silver-white and quite beautiful. If it is oxidized, the oxide film on the surface will be stronger, and it can also be used to color and spray to create a surface of various colors and luster.

aluminiu anodizat

5. Aluminum plate has good thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity: thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity are second only to copper, about 3~4 times that of steel

6. The aluminum plate has good reflectivity to light, heat and electric waves: the reflectivity of light is 70% for polished aluminum, și 94% for high-purity aluminum after electrolytic polishing, which is higher than that of silver (92%). Aluminum also has good reflective properties for thermal radiation and radio waves

7. Aluminum plate is not magnetic: aluminum is non-magnetic

8. Aluminum plate is resistant to low temperature: when the temperature of aluminum is low, its strength increases without brittleness, so it is an ideal material for low-temperature devices.