Ați auzit ce este aluminiul cu zero carbon?, aluminiu cu emisii reduse de carbon, aluminiu verde, aluminiu electric verde?

1. Zero carbon aluminum

There is currently no authoritatively accepted interpretation of the definition of zero-carbon aluminum. In a broad sense, it can be understood as an aluminum product with zero carbon emissions in the whole life cycle. In a narrow sense, it can be understood as aluminum products with zero carbon emissions in certain production links or in a certain production link. Both Alcoa and Hydro have proposed the concept of zero-carbon aluminum [4], which mainly refers to the definition of products as zero-carbon aluminum products when the emissions in the production process of the product are balanced with the emission reduction benefits of aluminum in the use stage . Enterprises use renewable energy in the smelting link, develop inert anodes and other programs to reduce carbon emissions in the production link as much as possible, and calculate the carbon reduction in the use and recycling links. When the amount of carbon reduction generated, the aluminum products produced by the enterprise are zero-carbon aluminum products.
Prin urmare, it can be seen that zero carbon emissions cannot be achieved only through technological innovation. It needs to be neutralized by combining the emission reductions at the back-end application side and the environmental benefits created by waste recycling. Through conceptual innovation, a corresponding accounting model should be established to achieve this. The production of zero-carbon aluminum, so there is a lot of ambiguity in the concept of zero-carbon aluminum. This makes its usage scenarios more subjective. When the evaluation boundary is the electrolysis link in the aluminum industry chain, the remelting aluminum ingots and electrolytic primary aluminum liquid using green electricity can be called zero-carbon aluminum; when the evaluation boundary is production and use, all use green electricity aluminum and recycled aluminum The aluminum wheels for automobiles produced from aluminum can be called zero-carbon aluminum; when the evaluation boundary is waste recycling and reproduction, the graded recycling of green aluminum can also be called zero-carbon aluminum.

It can be seen that the evaluation boundary and evaluation method of zero-carbon aluminum are relatively subjective. This concept is relatively advanced, and it is not suitable for the current green and low-carbon development stage of the aluminum industry, and it is difficult to obtain market recognition and promotion.

2. Low carbon aluminum

Low-carbon aluminum refers to aluminum products with lower carbon emission value in the whole life cycle or part of the life cycle. The carbon emission value of the product within the determined evaluation range is the equivalent value of carbon dioxide calculated according to the corresponding emission factor. It is only necessary to calculate values over a certain period of time, including both direct and indirect emissions. in orice caz, how to determine the scope boundary, in order to avoid double counting, which direct greenhouse gas emissions, indirect greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, and other indirect greenhouse gas emissions should be considered. În prezent, there is no industry unified calculation scope and calculation method for carbon emissions of aluminum products. . în plus, the current proportion of non-carbon energy in the aluminum industry has not been determined, and it remains to be achieved through technological combination and technological breakthroughs to achieve continuous improvement in technical process levels, continuous optimization of energy structure, and gradual improvement of the recycling system for closed and environmentally friendly recycling of recycled aluminum. Prin urmare, there is a lack of a specific data index as the bottom line standard for what low value the product carbon emissions must achieve before it can be called a low-carbon aluminum product.

In general vorbind, at this stage, it is still impossible to accurately identify which products are low-carbon products, and the application of the concept of low-carbon products is still uncertain. It is necessary to determine the carbon emissions of each link in the life cycle of aluminum products through the guidance of low-carbon product standards Emission indicators and low-carbon aluminum evaluation methods can be applied and promoted.

3. Green aluminum

There are two ways to identify green products. One is that the manufacturer conducts certification in accordance with the list of green product evaluation standards and certification catalogs issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation every year, and in accordance with the green product certification rules formulated and issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation. The voluntary product certification system promoted by the country has attracted widespread attention in the society; the other is to carry out certification and green design products according to the technical standards of the "Green Design Product List" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. Evaluation, has completed the evaluation of tens of thousands of green products. The above two green product identification methods are based on the standards that are based on GB/T 33761-2017 "General Rules for Green Product Evaluation", which set the basic requirements for product manufacturers, and make resource attributes, environmental attributes, energy attributes and product attributes for products. Specific index requirements are put forward in four aspects of attributes. Green products can be called green design products or ecological design products. The core concept is that the product life cycle process is harmless or less harmful to the ecological environment and human health, saves resources and energy, meets user requirements and consumption upgrade needs, and is non-toxic. Harmless or low toxicity and low hazard.

Green aluminum covers the widest range of life cycles and the most complete indicators, not limited to carbon emission indicators. Green aluminum can also be directly identified as green aluminum. Green aluminum is the continuation of green electric aluminum, which can be understood as deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy round ingots, deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy flat ingots, aluminum and aluminum alloy casting strips, Cast aluminum alloy ingots, electrical round aluminum rods, aluminum alloy castings and other casting products or continuous casting and rolling products, as well as aluminum processed products produced through various processing processes, acesta este, aluminum materials.

4. Green electric aluminum

As a brand-new concept, Green Electricity Aluminum was first proposed by the China Nonferrous Metals Green Product Evaluation Center in the group standard "Green Electricity Aluminum Evaluation and Trading Guidelines" according to the low-carbon development strategy requirements of the aluminum industry and the current market demand, and gave specific details. Explanation, acesta este, electrolytic aluminum products produced by using green electricity (electricity converted from wind energy, energie solara, water energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy, biomass energy, etc.), including electrolytic primary aluminum liquid and aluminum ingots for remelting. The aluminum industry chain includes primary aluminum production (bauxite mining, alumina production, anode production, electrolytic aluminum production), secondary aluminum and aluminum processing, and product manufacturing. Carbon development is the primary issue that urgently needs to be resolved.

The definition of green aluminum is clear, and the evaluation method is clear, which is more compatible with the green development of the current aluminum industry and has strong applicability. According to the implementation goal of the "dual carbon" strategy, the proportion of green power in the aluminum industry needs to be gradually increased, and the proportion of thermal power should be reduced to less than 30% în 2060. The evaluation of green power and aluminum is to adapt to and help the country's industrial energy transformation and guide the absorption of national energy In the process of structural transformation, the green power increase is given priority to the aluminum industry.