Cum să distingem calitatea bobinei din tablă de aluminiu?

Aluminum sheet coil has a wide range of uses. Poate fi folosit pentru a face decorațiuni și a decora aspectul clădirilor, inclusiv lifturi care sunt inseparabile de viețile noastre.

aluminum sheet coil

Calitatea bobinei de aluminiu poate fi distinsă din mai multe aspecte:

1. Suprafața bobinei trebuie să fie curată, and it is unqualified if there are cracks and oxidized impurities.

2. The surface of the coil shall be free of defects such as indentation, scratch and roll indentation, but its depth shall not exceed the

allowable negative deviation of the plate, and the minimum thickness shall be guaranteed.

3. The process of aluminum clad thick plate is not allowed to have the falling off part of the coating and the bubble of the coating.

4. Defects within the range of thickness difference are not allowed to be repaired on the plate surface.