Șase secrete pentru a alege o tablă de aluminiu perforată

Placa perforată este pentru a perfora găuri în plăci din diferite materiale. Panourile perforate sunt utilizate pe scară largă în viața reală și pot fi folosite ca panouri decorative, care sunt frumoase și elegante. Poate fi transformat într-o varietate de ustensile, rezistent la coroziune, durabil. Can be made into kitchen utensils to withstand high temperature

Șase secrete pentru a alege o tablă de aluminiu perforată

Seven features of tabla de aluminiu perforata:

perforated aluminum sheet is an aluminum sheet with holes in different metal materials, and the same type is also prepainted aluminum coil. The perforated aluminum sheet is used in airports, high-speed railway stations, subway stations, business office areas, multi-functional halls, conference halls, studios, auditoriums and other places.
This perforated aluminum has many outstanding material characteristics.

1. Large selection of perforated plate specifications: 1300mm x 4000mm, 1220mm x 2440mm, etc.

2.Perforated aluminum variety: culoare, hole type, punching rate customized design.

3.Perforated aluminum sheet surface fluorocarbon paint is corrosion-resistant, UV-resistant, and does not fade.

4. The installation and maintenance of the perforated aluminum sheet is simple and flexible, reducing the cost of installation and maintenance.

5. The perforated plate material can be completely recycled and reused, which is green and environmentally friendly.

6. Noise reduction, absorbția sunetului, conservarea căldurii, izolație termică, etc.