Diferența dintre aliajul de aluminiu și profilul de aluminiu

În scurt, Profilul de aluminiu este o formă de produs de aplicare a aliajului de aluminiu, iar aliajul de aluminiu aparține materialului de aluminiu. Materialele din aliaj de aluminiu sau materialele din aluminiu pur pot fi numite profile de aluminiu.

1.Aliaj de aluminiu:

Aliajul de aluminiu este compus în principal din aluminiu, care este un aliaj de diferite elemente metalice precum siliciul, cupru, zinc, magneziu, mangan, fier, titan, crom, nichel, etc. It is an alloy of non-ferrous metals. A sort of. In addition to aluminum alloys, there are pure aluminum (only when the aluminum content is more than 99%) și 1-8 aliaje de aluminiu de serie.

2.Aluminum profile:

It is customary to say that aluminum materials or pure aluminum materials can be called aluminum materials; common aluminum materials include aluminum plates, aluminum doors and windows, plafoane din aluminiu, pereti cortina din aluminiu, aluminum profiles, and aluminum castings (automotive engines, etc.) And space shuttle accessories, mechanical accessories, electronic and electrical accessories, etc. have the shadow of aluminum.
To sum up, Așa cum sugerează și numele, aluminum is a kind of material, and aluminum alloy is a kind of metal.

Classification is different:

Aluminum alloys are classified according to the production process. Caracteristici:

Serie 1: Caracteristici: Contains more than 99.00% aluminiu, good electrical conductivity, rezistență bună la coroziune, performante bune de sudare, low strength, și nu poate fi întărită prin tratament termic. Testing, chemical industry and special purposes.

Serie 2: Caracteristici: Aluminum alloys with copper as the main element. Mangan, magneziu, lead and bismuth are also added for machinability. Ca: 2011 aliaj, pay attention to safety protection during the smelting process (harmful gas will be generated). The 2014 alloy is used in the aerospace industry and has high strength. The 2017 alloy is a little less strong than the 2014 aliaj, but easier to machine. 2014 can be heat treated to strengthen. Disadvantages: Severe intergranular corrosion tendency. Application range: aviation industry (2014 aliaj), screws (2011 aliaj) and industries with high temperature (2017 aliaj).

Serie 3: Caracteristici: The aluminum alloy with manganese as the main alloying element cannot be strengthened by heat treatment, and has good corrosion resistance and good welding performance. Good plasticity. (closer to super-aluminum alloy). Disadvantages: Low strength, but can be strengthened by cold work hardening. Coarse grains are easily generated during annealing. Scopul aplicatiei: seamless oil-guiding pipes (3003 aliaj) used in aircraft, conserve (3004 aliaj).

4 serie: mainly silicon, not commonly used. Some 4-series alloys can be strengthened by heat treatment, but some 4-series alloys cannot be heat-treated. hr

5 serie: Caracteristici: mainly magnesium. Good resistance performance, performante bune de sudare, rezistență bună la oboseală, nu poate fi consolidat prin tratament termic, only cold working can improve the strength. Aplicații: lawn mower handles, aircraft fuel tank conduits, body armor.

6 serie: Caracteristici: mainly magnesium and silicon. Mg2Si is the main strengthening phase and is currently the most widely used alloy. 6063, 6061 are used most, alte 6082, 6160, 6125, 6262, 6060, 6005, 6463. 6063, 6060, și 6463 have relatively low strength in the 6 serie. 6262, 6005, 6082, și 6061 have relatively high strength in the 6 serie. Caracteristici: rezistență medie, rezistență bună la coroziune, performante bune de sudare, good process performance (easy to extrude and form), good oxidation and coloring performance. Scopul aplicatiei: energy transfer tools (ca: car luggage racks, doors, ferestre, body, radiatoare, compartment shells)

Serie 7: Caracteristici: Mainly zinc, dar uneori se adaugă o cantitate mică de magneziu și cupru. Printre ei, superhard aluminum alloys contain zinc, conduce, magnesium and copper alloys that are close to the hardness of steel. Viteza de extrudare este mai mică decât cea a 6 aliaj de serie, iar performanța de sudare este bună. 7005 și 7075 are the highest grades in the 7 series and can be heat treated to strengthen. Scopul aplicatiei: aviaţie (airplane bearing components, tren de aterizare), rachete, elice, aerospațială.

Aluminum profiles are classified features:

(1)According to surface treatment requirements

(1) Aluminiu anodizat
(2) Electrophoretic painted aluminum
(3) Powder coating aluminum
(4) Fluorocarbon paint sprayed aluminum
(5) Wood grain transfer aluminum

(2)According to the alloy composition,

aluminum is divided into pure aluminum and aluminum alloy. Aluminum alloys are divided into Al-Mn alloys, Al-Cu alloys, Al-Si alloys and Al-Mg alloys according to the alloy series.

(3)According to the pressure processing ability,

it can be divided into deformed aluminum and non-deformed aluminum (de exemplu: cast aluminum).