Standardul pentru benzi de aluminiu pentru transformatoare

Banda de aluminiu pentru transformator este materia primă cheie pentru fabricarea înfășurării transformatorului, care este panglica obtinuta prin gofrarea lingourilor de aluminiu.
The transformer bandă de aluminiu is divided into different grades, specificații și stări conform aplicației. Notele sunt: 1060, 1050, 1050A, 1060, 1070, 1070A, 1350, stat: O stare. The thickness is between 0.08-3.00mm.

Standardul pentru benzi de aluminiu pentru transformatoare

The aluminum ribbon and foil for dry-type transformers are made of high-quality pure aluminum. They have high electrical conductivity and soft texture. The surface is smooth and burr-free. It is an ideal material for the production of dry-type transformers and a key raw material for manufacturing transformer winding. Many technical indexes such as electrical conductivity of aluminum strip and foil, burr curling, side bending and surface quality are required.
Aluminum strips and foils for dry-type transformers are generally made of 1060 benzi de aluminiu, which are more than 99.6% aluminum and are also called pure aluminum sheets. They belong to a commonly used series in the aluminum strip family. The advantages of this series of aluminum plates: seria cea mai des folosită, procesul de producție este relativ simplu, tehnologia este relativ matura, and the price has great advantages over other high-grade alloy aluminum plates. Cu bună alungire și rezistență la tracțiune, it can fully meet the normal processing requirements (ștampilarea, desen) and high form.
HWALU produce the aluminum strip strictly according to the national standard. The quality is highly guaranteed. Welcome to inquiry.