Parameters of aluminium jacket coil

сплави 1060, 3003, 6061, тощо
Вдача H14, H18 тощо
Обробка поверхонь рельєфна ліпнина, плоский гладкий, коагульований, тощо
колір білий, червоний, зелений, сірий, or customized

Polysurlyn coated aluminum jackets sheet coil

Moisture Barrier (ПСМБ) is an engineered three-layer co-extruded film of polyethylene polymer with a total film thickness of 3 міл (76 мкм). PSMB is factory heated and laminated to the inner surface of all types of metal sheaths for use as a mechanical insulator to help prevent pits, gaps, and current corrosion on the inner surface of the metal sheath and the underlying insulated pipe, танк, or equipment.

Котушка з алюмінієвої оболонки

Котушка з алюмінієвої оболонки

Polykraft (polycraft) coated aluminum jackets roll

Polykraft consists of an isolated layer of one MIL polyethylene film with a protective layer of 40# original kraft paper. The sheath is attached to the full width of the metal by continuous lamination, by attaching the jacket to the water storage valve. Hydrate barriers are used to prevent moisture and corrosion from coming into direct contact with the metal sheath surface in the insulator and causing electrical common or chemical corrosion.

Advantage of aluminium jacketed coils

Aluminum coil is an industrial product.

особливості: М'які, пластик, and has very good usability. It is ideal for applications involving complex forming because it hardens more slowly than other alloys. It is the most weldable aluminum alloy, and the welding methods are various. 1100-grade aluminum is not heat-treated but is highly resistant to corrosion and is widely used in the chemical and food processing industries. Its surface is smooth, and beautiful, and can be used in the field of ornaments.

Coated Aluminum Sheathed Coil

Coated Aluminum Sheathed Coil

Application of Aluminum jacketing coil:

1. HVAC, insulated pipes, танки & vessels less than 8 feet in diameter.

2. Chemical plants & refineries: distillation towers, tank farms, fractionation units, coking units, and ethylene production units.

3. Paper mill: chemical storage tanks, breeches, and pipes.

4. Steel plant: Kimchi acid tank, oxygen plant, fuel oil, and tar storage tank.

5. Various: power plants, food processing plants, liquefied petroleum gas storage devices, liquefied natural gas storage devices, sewage, and wastewater treatment plants.

Котирування на алюміній Huawei

Дата LME Тижнева ціна LME 2023-04 Середнє значення LME 2023-04 SMM середній
2023-05-03 2330$ 2333.3$ 2341.00$ 2712.08$
2023-05-02 2353$
2023-04-28 2342$
2023-04-27 2302$
2023-04-26 2339.5$

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3. Для більшої ціни, будь ласка, зверніться до нашої сторінки з цінами 2022 Ціна алюмінію.