معرفة رقائق الألومنيوم لمبادل حرارة زعنفة مكيف الهواء

أنا. نظرة عامة على رقائق الألومنيوم تكييف الهواء:
في أثناء, يتطور المبادل الحراري لمكيف الهواء أيضًا نحو قوة فائقة النحافة وعالية. في الثمانينيات, كان سمك لوح المبادل الحراري 0.15-0.2ram, لكن اليوم هو 0.09-0.15 ملم فقط. بالإضافة الى, من أجل تحسين عمر خدمة تكييف الهواء, تقليل استهلاك الطاقة, improve the ventilation quality and improve the refrigeration effect, coating heat exchanger with various functions has been developed successively, such as anti-corrosion heat exchanger, surface hydrophilic heat exchanger, surface hydrophobic heat exchanger, mould proof heat exchanger and self-lubricating heat exchanger.

ثانيًا. Classification of air conditioning aluminum foil:

1. التي يمكن أن تتجنب يتأثر تأثير التهوية للمبادل الحراري بـ

uncoated aluminum foil refers to the rolled and annealed aluminum foil without any form of surface treatment. Ten years ago in China and 15 years ago in foreign countries, all the aluminum foils used for air conditioning heat exchanger were uncoated. Even at present, حول 50% of the heat exchange sheets used in developed countries are still uncoated aluminum foil, while in China, the ratio is about 60%.

2. الطباعة بألوان وألواح مختلفة من خلال عملية الطباعة السطحية

The so-called coated aluminum foil is to reprocess the surface of uncoated aluminum foil to make it have some special function. In Japan, Germany and other countries with rapid technological development, coated aluminum foil has been used for more than 15 سنوات. في الصين, the time of using coated aluminum foil is less than 10 سنوات.

3. Corrosion resistant aluminum foil

the surface of the corrosion-resistant aluminum foil product has a certain corrosion-resistant protective layer. The air conditioning heat exchange sheet made of the product can be applied to the more severe areas, and can significantly improve the service life of the air conditioning. في نفس الوقت, due to the improvement of the corrosion resistance of the heat exchanger, the formation of corrosion powder on the surface is greatly reduced, thus improving the ventilation quality and purifying the air in the air conditioning room.


3. رقائق الألومنيوم المحبة للماء

The surface of hydrophilic aluminum foil has strong hydrophilicity. The hydrophilicity is determined by the angle formed by water sticking to the surface of aluminum foil, as shown in Figure 1. The smaller the a angle is, كلما كان الماء أفضل; خلاف ذلك, كلما كان الماء أسوأ. عموما, angle a is less than 35. إنه ينتمي إلى خاصية ماء. Hydrophilic aluminum foil is generally used in the condenser of air conditioner. The main function of the utility model is to make the moisture in the hot air easily spread and flow down the sheet when it condenses on the heat exchange sheet into water drops. في هذا الطريق, the ventilation effect of the heat exchanger can be avoided due to the "التجسير" of the water drops between the heat exchange sheets, so as to improve the heat exchange rate of the air conditioner, and save electric energy under the condition of the same cooling capacity. في الوقت الحاضر, the general hydrophilic aluminum foil in the market has not only good hydrophilicity, but also high corrosion resistance, which makes the performance of air conditioning more optimized.


4. التي يمكن أن تتجنب يتأثر تأثير التهوية للمبادل الحراري بـ

Water repellent aluminum foil is also called water repellent aluminum foil. Its surface performance is just opposite to hydrophilic aluminum foil. ذلك بالقول, when the condensate condenses to the surface of the aluminum foil, the contact angle with the aluminum foil is relatively large, generally at 75. الختم والمعالجة الأخرى. The larger the angle, the better the water repellency. The ultimate goal of using hydrophobic aluminum foil is the same as that of hydrophilic aluminum foil, هذا هو, not to let the condensed water stay between the heat exchange sheets. The difference is that the hydrophobic aluminum foil can remove the condensation water between the heat exchanger sheets by increasing the contact angle between the condensation water and the heat exchanger sheets, so that the condensation water can form water drops which are easy to slide.


5. Self lubricating aluminum foil

Because trichloroethylene is harmful to human body, in order to reduce this process, self-lubricating aluminum foil is produced accordingly. As the name implies, the self-lubricating aluminum foil does not need to be added with lubricating oil alone when it is processed, and the lubrication during the processing is undertaken by the pre-treatment film on the surface of the aluminum foil. Since no special lubricating oil is needed, the subsequent cleaning and drying process of trichloroethylene is also omitted. Chinese style

7. Mould proof aluminum foil
mould proof aluminum foil is mainly used for indoor unit of air conditioning. Its main function is to prevent the surface of heat exchanger from mildew due to long use or placement time, so as to significantly improve the ventilation quality of air conditioning, prevent abnormal smell and effectively improve the indoor environment of air conditioning.