Caráter da placa de alumínio diamantado com diferentes ligas

o placa de alumínio diamante has many advantages such as light weight, bela aparência, longa vida útil, resistência à corrosão ácida e alcalina, e de reciclável, e se tornou o tipo mais importante de placa de diamante. Os principais tipos de placas de alumínio diamantado são 1060, 3003, 5052, 5083, 6061, etc.

placa de alumínio diamante

Suas diferenças são principalmente as seguintes:

1060 placa de alumínio diamante

o 1060 diamond aluminum plate belongs to pure aluminum plate. The production technology is simple and mature. The price is the cheapest one among the aluminum plates. Correspondingly, its hardness and strength are also low. It is mainly used for anti-skid of buses and elevators.

3003 placa de alumínio diamante

o 3003 diamond aluminum plate belongs to the aluminum manganese alloy plate, and the hardness and strength are higher than that of the pure aluminum plate. The most notable feature of the 3003 diamond aluminum plate is its excellent rust resistance. Because it can effectively resist the corrosion of water vapor, it is mostly used in cold storage floors. Em termos de preço, o preço de 3003 diamond aluminum plate is higher than that of 1060 placa de alumínio.

5052 placa de alumínio diamante

5052, 5083 diamond aluminum plate belongs to aluminum-magnesium alloy plate, its performance is better than 1060 e 3003 placa de diamante, the most important feature is resistance to acid and alkali corrosion, que faz 5052, 5083 aluminum plate the first choice for maritime environment, mainly used for resistance Ships and yachts that are corroded by sea water. Em termos de preço, o preço de 5052 diamond aluminum plate is higher than 1060 e 3003, which is a high-end product in the diamond aluminum plate.

6061 placa de alumínio diamante

O preço de 6061 diamond aluminum plate is the highest among all diamond aluminum plates. de forma similar, its hardness, força, rust resistance and corrosion resistance are also the best. In the special anti-slip application environment, such as suspended air, high acid and alkali corrosion, etc., in order to ensure the safety of the relevant operators, the performance of the diamond aluminum plate is extremely high, which is the place where the 6061 diamond aluminum plate is greatly expanded. Because the application environment is the worst, a espessura do 6061 diamond aluminum plate is also higher than other diamond aluminum plates.