Quais são os usos do rolo de folha de alumínio?

Insulating a room in the summertime with rolo de folha de alumínio can help keep sunlight out of the room and lower temperatures. Cubra completamente todas as janelas com folha de alumínio e prenda-as com uma fita resistente, como fita adesiva. A superfície brilhante refletirá os raios de sol. Você também pode isolar alimentos frios quando estiver perto do sol. Wrapping a cold soda can, que inclui a vedação de umidade e flexibilidade de formação, with aluminum foil will keep it chilled. Adding a layer of bubble paper between the aluminum foil and soda can will keep it cooler for longer.

rolo de folha de alumínio

If you would like to insulate something in a dark place, such as lunch box, another material such as cotton or paper could work just as well as aluminum foil. As a matter of fact, cotton is regularly used for insulation, as it is environmentally friendly. Because aluminum foil reflects light, when it is in a dark place, there is no light for it to reflect, so it will work similarly to other materials.