Introducere detaliată a "aluminiu alimentar" folie

Bright spot of food foil

It has the characteristics of water resistance, rezistenta la ulei, izolarea luminii și conducerea căldurii.

Permite rapid, încălzirea controlată a alimentelor din recipient.

Suprafata folie de aluminiu neteda, fara ulei, includere, semne de rulare și așa mai departe.

aluminiu alimentar

What are the main properties of food aluminum foil

Proprietăţile mecanice ale

The mechanical properties of aluminum foil mainly include tensile strength, elongation and crack strength, which are mainly determined by thickness. In general vorbind, aluminum foil is light in weight, good in ductility, thin in thickness and small in mass per unit area

But the strength is low, easy to tear, easy to break when folded, leading to perforation. Prin urmare, it is generally not used for packaging products alone. In many cases, it is compounded with other plastic films and paper to overcome its shortcomings

High barrier property

Food-grade aluminum foil is highly resistant to water, steam, light and taste and is unaffected by environment and temperature. Prin urmare, it is often used for fragrance packaging, moisture-proof packaging, to prevent moisture absorption, oxidare, volatilization and deterioration of goods

Corrosion resistant

Aluminum foil surface naturally formed oxide film. The formation of an oxide film further prevents oxidation. Prin urmare, when the ph of the packaging is high, the surface is usually coated with protective coating or PE to improve its corrosion resistance

Heat resistance and low temperature resistance

Aluminum foil is very stable at both high and low temperatures. Temperature between -73℃ and 371℃, no expansion or contraction. Good thermal conductivity, thermal conductivity up to 55%. Prin urmare, it can not only be used for high temperature cooking or other heat treatment, but also for frozen packaging


Aluminum foil has good shading, its reflectivity can be up to 95%, the appearance of silver white metallic luster. Surface printing decoration can show a good packaging decoration effect, so aluminum foil is also a high-grade packaging material.