Care sunt avantajele bobinei de aluminiu termoizolante în comparație cu materialele tradiționale?

Odată cu creșterea producției de bobine de aluminiu și scăderea continuă a prețurilor, bobinele de aluminiu au înlocuit treptat materialele metalice tradiționale, cum ar fi foile de fier și foile de zinc, și au devenit prima alegere pentru proiectele de izolare termică și anticoroziune. În comparație cu metalele tradiționale, bobinele de aluminiu au avantaje foarte evidente. Let us explain in detail the advantages of aluminum coils:

bobina de aluminiu izolatoare

Compared with traditional insulation materials such as iron and zinc, bobina de aluminiu izolatoare has the following advantages:

1. The aluminum coil has a long service life. Equipment that requires thermal insulation and anti-corrosion treatment generally has a harsh working environment, and humidity, coroziune, and exposure to sunlight are commonplace. Metal materials such as iron and zinc are not resistant to corrosion and are easy to rust. Under harsh conditions, they will corrode completely within a few years. In the past, every few years, enterprises had to re-construct thermal insulation, which was a huge waste of manpower and material resources. The aluminum coil does not rust, and its corrosion resistance is much higher than that of iron and zinc. Enterprises often only need one construction, and they can sit back and relax, saving time and effort.

2. The aluminum coil is beautiful and generous. Corporate image is very important for modern enterprises. in orice caz, once the traditional thermal insulation materials such as iron and zinc are oxidized, the color will become dull and dull. After corrosion and rust, the appearance will be even more ugly, which will affect the corporate image; while the aluminum coil has a bright color, rezistență la coroziune, no rust, and is not easy to Oxidized, beautiful and elegant after construction, it has become the landscape of the enterprise and is deeply loved by the enterprise.

3. The aluminum coil can be recycled and has a high value retention rate. After iron, zinc and other thermal insulation materials corrode and rust, they lose the value of recycling and can only be allowed to rot. Enterprises need to repurchase every time they construct, and the cost is huge; while the recycling rate of aluminum coils is high, by recycling waste Aluminum, which can recover 60%-70% of the cost, virtually creates huge economic value for the enterprise.