Care sunt aplicatiile 1100 placa de aluminiu de serie?

There are a slew number of applications of aluminium 1100 cearșafuri. cu toate acestea, we will try to keep everything under scrutiny and list it out so that it will be easier for you to acknowledge its application and stuff. Prin urmare, here it goes.

  1. One primary at major application of 1100 aluminiu h14 is welding. Prin urmare, putting aluminium 1100 to welding is not a tough nut to crack, you see. Obstruction welding is conceivable, but aluminium 1100 leaves no stone unturned.
  2. in orice caz, it may get convoluted as most of the parts require gifted welders' consideration.
  3. 1100 series aluminium sheet is the only one that comprises aluminium composites. Ca urmare, it is flexible, bendable, low strength, and has low aluminium content.
  4. In its crux form, aluminiu 1100 sheets are monetarily unadulterated aluminium. Its residue components are copper, fier, zinc, magneziu, oţel, mangan, siliciu, vanadium and the list.
  5. Ultimul, dar nu cel din urmă, the biggest property or application of aluminium 1100 sheets is its solidification. As in, you cannot solidify it by heat treatment as it is truly formable.