De ce 5052 aluminiul este atât de popular pe piață?

5052 aluminiul este unul dintre 5 aliaje de aluminiu de serie și un membru important al aliajelor de aluminiu-magneziu. Datorită performanței sale remarcabile, are o gamă foarte largă de aplicații.

Caracteristicile de performanță ale 5052 aluminiu

1. 5052 placă din aliaj de aluminiu, conţinând magneziu (2.5%) elemente, are caracteristici de rezistență medie și ridicată, and has good weldability and corrosion resistance;
2. No heat treatment, 5052 aluminum cannot be heat treated, it can only be strengthened by forging or rolling to make it stronger;

Special application of 5052 aluminiu

5052 tabla de aluminiu is widely used in construction, fabricarea de automobile, constructii navale, decor, j pressure vessels and other fields.

densitate scazuta Applied in the automobile manufacturing industry, it can reduce the weight of the vehicle and reduce fuel consumption 5052 aluminum for Car manufacturer
Corrosion resistant Due to its strong corrosion resistance, 5052 aluminum can be used in pressure vessel manufacturing and shipbuilding industries 5052 aluminum for pressure vessel
Formabilitatea 5052 aluminum is often used in mold manufacturing and other fields 5052 aluminum for mold making
Putere Commercially pure aluminum has a tensile strength of 13 KSI. Through cold working methods and/or addition of alloying elements, aluminum can achieve strengths up to 100 KSI for structural applications. 5052 aluminum for for structural
Solderability Because it can be welded, small pieces can be welded into large pieces, such as in shipbuilding, and it can also be made into containers for welding, such as pressure tankers 5052 aluminum for for boat