Застосування 1235/8011 алюмінієва фольга

За його чудові властивості, 1235/8011 алюмінієва фольга is widely used as the packaging materials for food, напій, сигарета, фармацевтичний, предмети повсякденного побуту, теплоізоляційні матеріали для будівель, транспортних засобів, кораблі, будинки та ін.

Його також можна використовувати як матеріали для електролітичних конденсаторів,decorative material and trademarks for various types of printed stationery products and light industrial products.

8011 aluminum foil is a soft metal film. It is moisture-proof, air-isolated, anti-abrasion, toxic and taste free. For its shining silver-white luster, it is easy to process into beautiful patterns of various colors and patterns.

1235/8011 алюмінієва фольга

Combined with plastic and paper, the shielding property of the aluminum foil is integrated with the strength of the paper and the heat sealing property of the plastic, further improving the necessary pair as a packaging material. The shielding properties of water vapor, повітря, ultraviolet light and bacteria have greatly expanded the application market of aluminum 8011 фольга.

Completely cut off from the outside light, вологи, газ, тощо, so the packaged item is well protected. Особливо для пакування готової їжі, the composite aluminum foil can guarantee at least one year shelf-life.

8011 Aluminum foil has an widely application in our daily life nowadays. It’s common to see aluminum containers in the packaging solutions. For its low weight, corrosion resistance and convenience of the final products, 8011 aluminum foil has gained its popularity in packaging and decorative field.