Що таке анодована алюмінієва пластина?

Пластину з оксиду алюмінію можна розділити на два типи відповідно до різних принципів окислення, а саме анодна алюмінієва пластина та хімічна пластина оксиду алюмінію. The so-called анодований алюміній plate is to place the aluminum plate in the corresponding electrolyte as the anode, електролізують за певних умов і дії зовнішнього струму, form a thin layer of alumina on its surface, improve the hardness and wear resistance of the aluminum plate and ensure its good heat resistance. Chemical oxidation refers to the process in which some metals react to form oxide film or passive film on the surface of aluminum plate in weak alkaline or weak acid solution.

анодований алюміній

What are the advantages of anodised aluminum plate?

1. Хороша технологічність: after anodising, the aluminum plate has moderate hardness, which can be easily bent and formed, continuous high-speed stamping, which is convenient for direct processing into products without complex surface treatment, greatly shortening the production cycle and reducing the production cost.

2. Хороша стійкість до корозії: anodised aluminum plate with standard thickness oxide film is used indoors for a long time without discoloration, корозії, oxidation and rust. The anodised aluminum plate with thickened oxide film can be exposed to the sun for a long time without discoloration.

3. Good fire resistance: the surface of anodised aluminum plate is free of paint and any chemical substances, does not burn at 600 ℃, does not produce toxic gas, and meets the requirements of fire protection and environmental protection.

4. Widely used: suitable for metal aluminum ceiling, навісна стінова панель, aluminum plastic panel, fire board, honeycomb aluminum panel, aluminum veneer, electrical panel, cabinet panel, furniture panel, тощо.