Принцип роботи алюмінієвого пластинчастого електролізера

Загалом, a series of пластина з алюмінієвого сплаву electrolyzers are in series, і сила струму кожного електролізера однакова. Основним параметром, що контролює тепловіддачу електролізера, є напруга.

За формулою w = IVT, тим вище напруга клітини, тим більший дохід від тепла; Якщо напруга елемента низька, надходження тепла низькі. When the current and molecular ratio are basically stable, in order to form an ideal furnace side, it is necessary to gradually reduce the cell voltage, reduce the heat income of the electrolytic cell, and promote the crystallization and precipitation of polymer materials in the side of aluminum plate electrolyte. Because the higher the temperature of the electrolyzer, the greater the overheat degree of the electrolyte, and the formation of the furnace side is when the temperature is close to the primary crystal temperature of the electrolyte, it will precipitate and form crystals on the side wall, and gradually form the furnace side.

If the furnace side is too thick, it is easy to melt the outrigger, reduce the aluminum level, and reduce the current efficiency. In this case, we should appropriately raise the voltage, increase the heat income, melt the too thick furnace side, increase the side heat dissipation, reduce the furnace bottom temperature, and promote the formation of outrigger.

The decorative layer should be light functional coating such as decorative mortar, decorative mortar or water-based exterior wall coating with outstanding air permeability, so that the aluminum silicate board can maintain its light characteristics and increase its beauty. On the one hand, it can increase the surface color of aluminum silicate plate, so that it can be applied to any environment. З іншого боку, the coating can play the role of flame retardant and thermal insulation to a certain extent.

Aluminum silicate board is mainly used for heat insulation of electric power industry, electric boiler, steam turbine and nuclear power, fire protection and heat insulation of shipbuilding industry, будівельна галузь, fire protection and heat insulation of fire door, wall lining of high temperature reaction equipment and heating equipment in chemical industry, automobile and train manufacturing industry, fire protection and heat insulation, lining of kiln and furnace, door and top cover.