6 Delikli metall alyuminiy qatlamning xususiyatlari

  • 1. Engil vazn. Po'lat plitalar bilan solishtirganda, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan plastinka, mis plastinka va boshqa materiallar, alyuminiy plastinka engil vaznning afzalliklariga ega, va perforated aluminum sheet has the same advantage;
  • 2. Yuqori quvvat, alyuminiy qotishma plitasi sof alyuminiy asosida ma'lum elementlarni qo'shishga asoslangan, so that its strength can be improved;
  • 3. Strong plasticity, aluminum plate has strong yield performance, and the machinability of punched aluminum sheet is higher than other plates;
  • 4. Korroziyaga qarshilik, the surface of the aluminum plate can be oxidized to form an oxide layer, so it will not rust, and there is no need for surface anti-rust treatment during its service life;
  • 5. Tashqi ko'rinishi chiroyli, the punched aluminum plate can be customized according to the needs of customers, the hole type and hole density can be designed by ourselves, and the appearance is beautiful and generous;
  • 6. Breathable and light-transmitting, because punched aluminum plates have many different hole types, and different hole types have different light transmittance, so light transmittance is a unique characteristic of punched aluminum plates;