6061 T6 alyuminiy plitasi

ning holati o'rtasidagi farq 6061 alyuminiy plastinka T6 va T651 - bu umuman olganda, T6 ning ichki stressi nisbatan katta bo'ladi, va ishlov berish deformatsiyalanadi. Qayta ishlash uchun eng mos holat T651 bo'lishi kerak, ichki stressni bartaraf etish uchun T6 asosida cho'zilgan.

6061 Alyuminiy plitalar plitasi
ning asosiy qotishma elementlari 6061 alyuminiy qotishmasi magniy va kremniydir, and form the Mg2Si phase. Agar ma'lum miqdorda marganets va xrom bo'lsa, it can neutralize the bad effects of iron; sometimes a small amount of copper or zinc is added to improve the strength of the alloy without significantly reducing its corrosion resistance; there is also a small amount of conductive material. copper to offset the adverse effects of titanium and iron on electrical conductivity; zirconium or titanium can refine grains and control recrystallization structure;
In order to improve machinability, lead and bismuth can be added. Mg2Si is solid-dissolved in aluminum, which makes the alloy have artificial aging hardening function. The main alloying elements in 6061 alyuminiy qotishmasi magniy va kremniydir, which have medium strength, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, payvandlanish qobiliyati, and good oxidation effect.
alyuminiy 6061 has excellent processing performance, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, yuqori qattiqlik, no deformation after processing, easy coloring, and excellent oxidation effect.