Anodlangan oyna alyuminiy qatlam xususiyatlari

Har xil to'lqin naqshlariga sovuq shakllanganda, alyuminiy gofrirovka qilingan qoplama alyuminiy qotishma tom yopish materialining maxsus variantidir. Gofrirovka qilingan alyuminiy plitalar iqtisodiyotning o'sishi tufayli barcha o'lchamdagi jamoat binolariga kirib bormoqda. Gofrirovka qilingan alyuminiy qatlam texnologiyalari va ilovalari doimo rivojlanib bormoqda. Anodized aluminium sheets stand out among metal roofing materials because of their numerous advantages in use.

oyna alyuminiy plitasi
oyna alyuminiy plitasi

1. Conserving resources
The corrugated metal sheet is ideal for roofing because of its low weight, which reduces the stress on the structure.

2. A high degree of stiffness
Cushioning properties are good, cross-sectional size is enormous, and edge compression strength is increased due to a high corrugation height. With more corrugations and more support points, the flat strength of concrete will be increased. If it has the right stiffness properties, the corrugated composite area can provide vibration & shock absorption.

3. There is no color difference.
This chromatic aberration issue is solved by spraying the corrugated aluminum screen. Secondary processing like anti-corrosion, embossing, rasm chizish, & printing can be accomplished with this material. It has a superior ornamental effect, and the surface improves the building's overall appearance.

4. It's simple to set up.
Aluminum corrugated sheet installation and technology are simpler.