Sakkiz seriyali alyuminiy va alyuminiy qotishmasining xususiyatlari

Alyuminiyning nisbati engildir, orqaga qaytish kichik, kuchi yuqori, yuqori sifatli po'latga yaqin yoki undan ko'p, plastikligi yaxshi, mahsulotni shakllantirish murakkabroq bo'lganda, zanglamaydigan po'latdan ko'ra nazorat qilish osonroq, va mukammal o'tkazuvchanlikka ega, issiqlik o'tkazuvchanligi va korroziyaga chidamliligi. Ayni paytda, the surface treatment process of aluminum, such as anodic oxidation, wire drawing, sand blasting, has been very mature, and aluminum is also widely used in mobile phones. According to the processing method, aluminum alloy can be divided into wrought aluminum alloy and cast aluminum alloy. The number of aluminum and aluminum alloy can be divided into eight series.

1000 seriya

Barcha seriyalar orasida, 1000 seriyali eng alyuminiy tarkibiga ega, va uning sofligi ko'proq erishish mumkin 99.00%. Minimal alyuminiy tarkibi 1000 series aluminum plate is determined according to the last two Arabic numerals of this series. Masalan, ning oxirgi ikki arab raqami 1050 seriyalardir 50. Xalqaro brendlarning nomlash tamoyiliga ko'ra, yuqorida alyuminiy tarkibi bo'lgan mahsulotlar 99.5% malakali bo'lishi kerak.

Birlamchi alyuminiy yaxshi shakllanish va sirt ishloviga ega, va uning korroziyaga chidamliligi alyuminiy qotishmalari orasida eng yaxshisidir. Tozalik qanchalik baland bo'lsa, kuch qanchalik past bo'lsa.

1050, 1070, 1080, 1085, 1100 mobil telefonlarda keng qo'llaniladi. Ular oddiygina ekstrudirovka qilinadi (egilmasdan). 1050 va 1100 kimyoviy silliqlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin, silliq sirt, tuman yuzasi, normal ta'sir, aniq material donasi va yaxshi rang berish effekti; 1080 va 1085 oyna alyuminiy ko'pincha yorqin so'zlar va tuman effekti uchun ishlatiladi, aniq moddiy don holda. Bir qator alyuminiy nisbatan yumshoq, asosan dekorativ yoki ichki qismlar uchun ishlatiladi.

2000 seriya

It is characterized by high hardness but poor corrosion resistance, among which the original copper content is the highest, va 2000 series aluminum alloy represents 2024, 2A16 and 2A02. The copper content of 2000 series aluminum plate is about 3-5%. 2000 series aluminum rods are aviation aluminum materials, which are used as structural materials and are rarely used in conventional industry.

3000 seriya

3000 series aluminum alloys are mainly composed of manganese. 3000 series aluminum alloy represents 3003, 3105 va 3A21. The content is between 1.0-1.5, which is a series with better antirust function. It is commonly used for tanks and tanks of liquid products, construction processing parts, construction tools, various lamp parts, as well as various pressure vessels and pipes for thin plate processing. The formability, solubility and corrosion resistance are good.

4000 seriya

Umuman, when the silicon content is between 4.5-6.0%, the strength is relatively high when the silicon content is high. 4000 series aluminum alloy represent 4a01 and 4000 series aluminum plates, which belong to the series with high silicon content. Good soup flow, less solidification shrinkage, belongs to building materials, mexanik qismlar, forging materials, welding materials; Low melting point, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, heat resistance and wear resistance.

5000 seriya

5000 series aluminum bar belongs to the more commonly used alloy aluminum plate series, the main element is magnesium, va magniy tarkibi orasida 3-5%. 5000 series aluminum alloy represents 5052, 5005, 5083, 5A05 series. It can also be called aluminum magnesium alloy. The main features are low density, yuqori kuchlanish kuchi va yuqori cho'zilish. In the same area, the weight of Al Mg alloy is lower than other series, and it is widely used in conventional industry. 5052 is the most commonly used alloy in mobile phones, which is the most representative alloy with medium strength. Yaxshi korroziyaga chidamliligiga ega, solubility and formability, especially high fatigue strength and sea water resistance. It is often used to make products with high strength requirements, but its coloring effect is not ideal. It is suitable for sand blasting process, not suitable for chemical sand blasting, tuman yuzasi, va boshqalar, Not suitable for extrusion.

6000 seriya

The 6000 series aluminum alloy represents that 6061 mainly contains magnesium and silicon, so it has the advantages of 4000 seriyali va 5000 seriya. 6061 is a cold-treated aluminum forging product, which is suitable for applications with high requirements of corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance. Good usability, easy coating and good processability. 6061 va 6063 are widely used in mobile phones. ning kuchi 6061 is higher than that of 6063. Using casting molding, it can cast complex structures and make buckle parts, such as battery cover.

7000 seriya

It mainly contains zinc. 7000 series aluminum alloy represents 7075. Also belongs to Aviation series, is al mg Zn Cu alloy, is heat treatable alloy, belongs to super hard aluminum alloy, has good wear resistance. Ayni paytda, it basically depends on imports, and the production technology of our country needs to be improved

8000 seriya

8011 is more commonly used in 8000 Series aluminum alloy, which belongs to other series. Most of them are used in aluminum foil, but they are not commonly used in the production of aluminum sheet.