Henan Huawei kompaniyasining yutuqlari katta farq bilan oshdi

In 2018, he nan huawei alyuminiy savdosi yana bir muvaffaqiyatga erishdi, foyda va sotish hajmi bilan oldingi rekordni buzdi.

Chunki kompaniya bozorning qulay imkoniyatlarini oshirishga intiladi, talab, strategiyani o'z vaqtida tuzatish va optimallashtirish. Marketing menejmenti bozor daromadidan ustundir, samaradorlikni oshirish, boost in entity enterprise logistics cost reduction, steadily promoting overseas development projects and risk prevention and control measures were further implement, mainly operating indicators for continuous improvement.

Henan Huawei kompaniyasining yutuqlari katta farq bilan oshdi

Warwick aluminum is not satisfied with the good performance has been achieved, but to the problem-oriented, carefully find the shortcomings, and enterprises together to analyze the causes, find the gap, develop measures.

In the face of continuous good performance, Warwick aluminum proposed to adhere to the cost leadership strategy, determined to do not reduce the intensity, the same pace.