Huawei alyuminiy Xitoy xalqaro alyuminiy sanoati ko'rgazmasida ishtirok etadi

Ko'rgazma vaqti: 2023.7.5-7.

Ko'rgazma joyi:ZAL N1-N3, Shanghai New International Expo Center

Our stand number: Zal N3, 3D15, maydoni bilan 35 kvadrat metr.

China International Aluminum Industry Exhibition brings together high-quality resources in the aluminum industry and terminal application fields at home and abroad, comprehensively displays innovative technologies and products in the aluminum industry chain, actively promotes the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industries, expands business opportunities, and jointly charts a new path for the sustainable development of the global aluminum industry.

Huawei aluminum will showcase and share its manufacturing and sales experience in the past year, and solve customers' questions on the spot.

Facing various application fields, we will provide the best aluminum sheet, strip, folga and aluminum deep processing products.

alyuminiy folga jumbo rulon

alyuminiy folga jumbo rulon

Whether it is in the transportation industry (such as auto parts, va boshqalar.), maishiy elektronika, qadoqlash industry, or machinery manufacturing, construction industry, va boshqalar., we will use the most excellent product quality and comprehensive professional services to help you manufacture Application products with reliable quality and great potential.