Alyuminiy folga bilan pishirish xavfsiz?

Can we bake with aluminum foil?

Ha. Alyuminiy folga has the characteristics of light material, yuqori to'siqli mulk, yorug'likdan himoya qilish, ultrabinafshaga qarshi, namlikka chidamli, korroziyaga qarshi, uzoq saqlash muddati, safety and sanitation, va boshqalar. U toza saqlash va suvni yo'qotmaslik uchun yaxshiroq funktsiyalarga ega. Xuddi o'sha payt, uning qayta ishlash darajasi juda yuqori, which has a very positive significance for saving resources and reducing environmental pollution. Shuning uchun, aluminum foil products are widely used in food packaging, barbekyu, pishirish, baking and shaping, as well as food packaging in the fields of aviation and hotel catering.

Alyuminiy folga bilan pishirish xavfsiz?

Ha. But there are some caveats, if you use aluminum foil paper to wrap ingredients for grilling, do not drip lemon juice and other acidic substances into the aluminum foil paper, because aluminum foil paper is a metal type. When metals and acidic materials are mixed together, chemical changes will occur and it is easy to produce harmful substances substance.