1050 alyuminiy plitalar turlari nima?

Alyuminiy qotishmalari qattiq eroziyaga qarshilik ko'rsatish xususiyatlari bilan tanilgan, va 1050 qotishma to'plami har qanday qotishma to'plamining eng yaxshi iste'mol obstruktsiyasini taklif qiladi. 1050 alyuminiy is a famous alloy for general sheet metal work where moderate strength is required. Uning o'zgarishlari bor, ular quyidagicha:

  • 1050 H12 aluminum sheet hisoblanadi 1050 aluminum in the H12 rese
  • ntment. The metal is pushed to the threshold to accomplish this temperament, solidified to strengthen about a fourth of the way among strengthened and entirely challenging H18.
  • 1050 h24 aluminum alludes to h24 tempered 1050 alyuminiy qotishmasi. The 1050 aluminum after work solidifying is deficiently consolidated to get half tough. In the interim, acquiring the strength of alyuminiy 1050 h24is generally between toughened and incredibly thick.
  • 1050 h16 aluminum sheetis a composite material comprised of an aluminum center with a copper covering, otherwise called copper-clad aluminum. This considers the good mechanical properties of copper to be joined with the light net load of aluminum. H16 loans itself particularly well to applications for which weight assumes an essential part while excellent electrical properties are likewise required.
  • The alyuminiy 1050 h14is a standard business-grade sold when 'aluminum' is determined. Likewise, with other unalloyed aluminum grades, aluminum's inherent formability and consumption obstruction are required while high strength isn't. Models incorporate synthetic and food brandishing, sheet metal, ravine ware, heat reciprocator, and glinting.