What kinds of patterns does the aluminum tread plate​ have

What kinds of patterns does the alyuminiy protektor plitasi have?

1. Kompas alyuminiy qotishma plitasi: sirpanmaydigan alyuminiy plastinka, Wujin bilan bir xil ta'sirga ega, lekin u tez-tez ishlatilmaydi.

2. Orange peel aluminum alloy pattern plate is divided into: classic orange peel pattern aluminum plate, variant orange peel pattern aluminum plate (also called bug pattern). Its surface shows an orange peel pattern, shuning uchun uni apelsin qobig'i naqshli alyuminiy plastinka deb ham atash mumkin. Bu muzlatgichlarda tez-tez ishlatiladigan naqshli mahsulotlar seriyasidir, air conditioners and packaging.

3. Five-stripe aluminum alloy pattern plate: Five-stripe non-slip aluminum plate is also called willow-shaped pattern plate. Has good anti-slip ability, and is widely used in building (qavat) platform design and other aspects. Because the pattern on the surface of the aluminum plate is arranged in parallel with five uneven patterns, and each pattern has an angle of 60-80 boshqa naqshlar bilan darajalar, this pattern has excellent anti-slip performance. This kind of aluminum plate is usually used in China as a non-slip, which has a good anti-slip effect and is cheap.

4, lenticular pattern aluminum sheet: it is a commonly used style of non-slip aluminum plate, has a good anti-slip effect, mainly used in cars, platformalar, skid, sovuq saqlash, workshop floor anti-skid, elevator anti-skid.

5. Spherical patterned aluminum sheet: It can also be called semi-spherical patterned aluminum sheet. The surface shows a small spherical pattern, xuddi kichik marvaridlar kabi, so this aluminum sheet can become a pearl-shaped aluminum sheet. Mainly used in outer packaging. The appearance is relatively beautiful. Maxsus naqsh tufayli, the strength of this aluminum plate is much higher than other pattern series.

6. Boshqa alyuminiy plastinka naqshli materiallar: wave pattern material, water ripple aluminum pattern plate, gofrirovka qilingan naqshli alyuminiy plastinka (also can be aluminum tile), rattan naqshli alyuminiy plastinka, three-dimensional triangle aluminum pattern plate, tasma naqshli alyuminiy plastinka, cobblestone aluminum Pattern plate, triangle strip pattern aluminum plate, kelebek naqshli alyuminiy plastinka, va boshqalar.

7, diamond-shaped aluminum alloy pattern plate: packaging pipes or outer packaging commonly used.

Ikkinchi, the pattern aluminum sheet is widely used in furniture: muzlatgichlar, konditsionerlar, vagonlar, platformalar, qadoqlash quvurlari, ekran skeletlari, turli osma nurlar, stol oyoqlari, dekorativ chiziqlar, tutqichlar, kabel oluklari va qopqoqlari, kreslo quvurlari, va boshqalar. .