Alyuminiy kompozit plastinka va kompozit alyuminiy plastmassa plastinka o'rtasidagi farq qayerda?

1, material

Aluminum veneer curtain wall -- 2 ~ 3 mm alyuminiy qotishma plastinka.

Alyuminiy-plastmassa kompozit plastinka - PVX yoki PEC plastik rulonli bosim o'rtasida sandviçlangan 0,5 mm qalinlikdagi sof alyuminiy plastinkaning ikki qatlami, termal bog'lanish.

2. Fluorocarbon coating

Aluminum veneer curtain wall - 2 yoki 3 marta buzadigan amallar bilan tugatish, qoplama qalinligi odatda 30 ~ 40 mikron.

Alyuminiy-plastmassa kompozit plastinka - one-time roll printed, qoplama qalinligi odatda 20 mikron.

3, rang

Aluminum veneer curtain wall -- optional color according to design and owner's requirements.

Aluminum-plastic composite board - can choose the color variety less, general gray more, specific color need to order a large quantity to single processing, difficult to achieve.The color identity is good, but has the direction, reduces the rate of finished products.