Shisha qopqog'i uchun qaysi qotishma alyuminiy qatlam ishlatilishi mumkin?

Alyuminiy qopqoq materiali mahsulotlarni qadoqlashda keng qo'llaniladi, chunki alyuminiy yaxshi oksidlanish qarshiligiga ega, alyuminiy yuzasida zich oksidli plyonka hosil qiladi, zang va zanglash oson bo'lmagan. Alyuminiy qopqoqlar yaxshi muhrlanish xususiyatlariga ega, mahsulot va tashqi dunyo o'rtasidagi aloqani oldini olish, va chiroyli ko'rinishga ega. Commonly used aluminum cap materials include 8011 alyuminiy folga, 3105 alyuminiy plastinka, 3104 alyuminiy plastinka, 1235 alyuminiy folga, va boshqalar. This article focuses on the 3105 aluminum sheet bottle cap material.

3105 aluminum plate belongs to 3 series aluminum manganese alloy, has good rust resistance, good deep punching effect, the strength, elongation and processing performance of the material to meet the automatic strength of the higher cap production process, in the processing will not appear creases or rupture phenomenon. Bundan tashqari, 3105 bottle cap material has flat board shape, no roll marks and no oil spots, which is convenient for later printing and makes the pattern clear and recognizable.

alyuminiy qatlam qopqog'i

Compared with traditional plastic caps, aluminium sheet for bottle cap has good sealing, no leakage of wine, such as with PE pad covered with aluminum foil, its oxygen permeability is smaller and water permeability is lower, va 3105 aluminum alloy cap material has large area fine printing, multi-color printing, side roller printing, va boshqalar. A variety of technologies can be applied, with large design space, easy color matching, good saturation and high gloss. Bunga qo'chimcha, arzon, good food safety and recyclability are also the advantages of aluminum anti-counterfeit cap material.