Nima uchun salbiy elektrod uchun mis folga va lityum batareyaning musbat elektrodi uchun alyuminiy folga ishlatiladi?

Birinchidan, batareya alyuminiy folga has good conductivity, yumshoq tuzilish va arzon narx. Hammamiz bilganimizdek, lityum batareyaning ishlash printsipi kimyoviy energiyani elektr energiyasiga aylantiradigan elektrokimyoviy qurilma. Bu jarayonda, kimyoviy energiya bilan aylantirilgan elektr energiyasini uzatish uchun bizga vosita kerak. Bu yerga, bizga o'tkazuvchan materiallar kerak. Among ordinary materials, metal materials have the best conductivity, while among metal materials, copper foil and aluminum foil are cheap and have good conductivity. Xuddi o'sha payt, in lithium batteries, we mainly have two processing methods: winding and lamination.

Compared with the winding, the pole piece used to prepare the battery needs to have certain flexibility to ensure that the pole piece will not break during winding. Among the metal materials, copper aluminum foil is also a soft metal. Nihoyat, the battery preparation cost is considered. Relatively speaking, the price of copper and aluminum foil is relatively cheap, and the world is rich in copper and aluminum resources.

Ikkinchi, copper aluminum foil is also relatively stable in air. Aluminum easily reacts with oxygen in the air, forming a dense oxide film on the aluminum surface layer to prevent further reaction of aluminum, and this thin oxide film also has a certain protective effect on aluminum in the electrolyte. Copper itself is relatively stable in air and does not react in dry air.

batareya alyuminiy folga

Uchinchi, the positive and negative potential of lithium battery determines that aluminum foil is used for the positive electrode and copper foil is used for the negative electrode, rather than vice versa. With high positive potential, copper foil is easy to be oxidized at high potential, while aluminum has high oxidation potential, and there is a dense oxide film on the surface of aluminum foil, which also has a good protective effect on the internal aluminum.

Agar siz sotib olmoqchi bo'lsangiz batareya alyuminiy folga, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning.