4x10 alyuminiy varaq

4x10 fut metall alyuminiy qotishma plitasi

What is 4x10 aluminum sheet 4x10 aluminum sheet is a fixed size aluminum sheet with a length of 10 oyoqlari va kengligi 4 oyoq. Qulaylik uchun, biz uni 4x10 alyuminiy varaq deb ataymiz. 4x10 alyuminiy qatlam uchun boshqa nomlar: 4"x10" alyuminiy varaq, 4 fut x 10 ft alyuminiy qatlam; 4x10 alyuminiy qatlamning umumiy qotishma holati 1050 qotishma, 1060 qotishma, 1100 qotishma, 3 ...

qotishma alyuminiy folga

3000 seriyali qotishma metall alyuminiy folga

Huawei alyuminiy zavodi: Alyuminiy folga ishlab chiqarishga batafsil qarash. 3000 seriyali alyuminiy folga umumiy ko'rinishi - Huawei Aluminum A 3000 seriyali alyuminiy folga - alyuminiy qotishmasidan tayyorlangan alyuminiy folga turi bo'lib, unda asosiy qotishma element sifatida marganets mavjud.. Ushbu alyuminiy qotishmalari seriyasi odatda o'z ichiga oladi 3003, 3004, va 3105 qotishmalar. The 3000 s

aluminum foil strips

Ⅰ:Alyuminiy folga chiziqlari haqida ko'proq bilib oling. Ⅰ-A:Aluminum foil strips. Aluminum foil strips means narrow aluminum foil. As a professional manufacturer of aluminum foil strips, bizda ishonchli sifat bor, o'rtacha narxlar va tezkor yetkazib berish. Umumiy texnik xususiyatlar stokda mavjud. Special sizes can be customized according to clients' requests.Please contact us if

3003 alyuminiy lasan

3003 h14 alyuminiy lasan

Nima bu 3003 h14 alyuminiy lasan? 3003 alyuminiy lasan qotishma alyuminiy lasan bo'lib, u ko'proq ishlatiladi 3000 seriya, alyuminiydan tashkil topgan, mis, temir, marganets, kremniy va sink. U sanoat ishlab chiqarishida keng qo'llaniladi, oziq-ovqat qadoqlash, ichki bezatish va boshqa sahnalar. Marganets qo'shilishi tufayli, 3003 alyuminiy lasan hisoblanadi 20% kuchliroq

anodlangan alyuminiy folga

Anodlangan alyuminiy folga

What is Anodized aluminum foil? Anodizing is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. The process is called anodizing because the part to be treated forms the anode electrode of an electrolytic cell. Anodising increases resistance to corrosion and wear, and provides bette

colored aluminum sheets

Rangli alyuminiy plitalar plitasi

What is color aluminum sheet plate? Good processing performance can be processed into flat panels, curved panels and spherical panels, and other complex geometric shapes, fully expressing the designer's concept, not easy to stain, tozalash oson, maintenance. Wide color selection, rich, good visual effect, excellent decorative effect. Recycling, green envir

protektor alyuminiy qatlam ikki bar

2 barlar alyuminiy protektor plitasi

Nima bu 2 barlar alyuminiy protektor plitasi? Alyuminiy taglik plitasi, also called embossed aluminum plate, refers to the aluminum plate with pressed or depressed treads on the surface of the aluminum plate. The pattern is lenticular, rhombic, round bean, and oblate mixed. lenticular are the most common on the market. Two bars aluminum tread plate features The al

1060 bo'rttirma alyuminiy qatlamli rulon

1060 bo'rttirma alyuminiy

1060 embossed aluminum type The product type, ga ajratish mumkin 1060 bo'rttirma alyuminiy plitalar plitasi 1060 embossed aluminum coil aluminum stucco embossed sheet coil Advantages of 1060 Naqshli alyuminiy 1. Yuqori sifatli stukko bo'rttirma alyuminiy varaq 2. Kimyoviy tarkibi oqilona va barqaror. 3. To'g'ri toleranslar. 4. Goo

yo'l belgisi uchun alyuminiy doiralar

yo'l belgisi uchun alyuminiy disk doirasi

Nima uchun juda ko'p yo'l belgilari alyuminiy diskli doiradan yasalgan?? 1.Aluminum discs have good corrosion resistance properties 2.The density of aluminum is only about one-third of that of steel, and its weight is light 3.Aluminum alloy also has good processability and weldability.It's easy to polished, bo'yash yoki bo'yash oson, and strong plasticity 4.Alu

Qadoqlash uchun alyuminiy folga

Why Aluminum Foil Is So Popular In The Packaging Field? Lightweight construction and an excellent moisture, light and gas barrier make aluminum foil an excellent choice for protecting food and the environment, shuning uchun, packaging aluminum foil has become the perfect solution for food and pharmaceutical packaging. Aluminum foil for packaging can be used

1060 toza alyuminiy protektor plitasi

1. 1060 Pure Aluminum Tread Plate Quick description Aluminum tread plate are also called diamond plate, Durbar floor plate, and checkered plate.According to the number of bars, Aluminum Tread Plate can be divided into 1-bar, 2-bar, 3-bar, 5-bar patterns 1060 Aluminum Tread Plate is a popular aluminum,it is used in many different fields due to its dur

aluminum sheet sizes

custom sizes aluminum sheet plate

About custom size aluminum sheet Aluminum sheet plate refers to the metal aluminum alloy material with a thickness of more than 0.2mm to less than 500mm, a width of more than 200mm and a length of less than 16m, which is called aluminum plate or aluminum sheet. aluminum sheet custom size Custom size aluminum sheet plate According to the width, bu

cold rolling aluminum plate

Cold rolling aluminum sheet plate

Characteristics of cold-rolled and hot-rolled aluminum sheets The cold-rolled aluminum plate is machined from the hot-rolled aluminum sheet at a normal temperature. Cold rolling is compared to cold rolling, the mechanical properties are relatively poor, the hardness is too high, so the cold-rolled aluminum plate is used for mold, and hot-rolled aluminum pla

Alyuminiy olmos plastinkasida aniq indeks

Aluminum Diamond sheets Aluminum Diamond plate sheets, qo'shimcha ravishda katakli plastinka yoki yo'l plastinkasi sifatida ishora qilinadi, alyuminiydan foydalangan holda muntazam ravishda ishlab chiqariladigan metallning bir turi. Ko'tarilganligi sababli olmos plastinka deb ataladi, burchak ostida sirli olmosli qolipli chiziqlar 90 daraja. Ushbu olmos plitasi ko'pincha metall zinapoyalarda keng qo'llaniladi

How to choose a 4X8 aluminum sheet?

1. 4X8 aluminum plate hardness. Hardness is one of the references for the quality of aluminum plates, and it is necessary to pay attention. The hardness of the aluminum plate has a direct impact on the chemical composition of the selected alloy, and different states will also be different. From the common aluminum alloy raw materials, 7 seriya, 2 seriya, 4 s

aluminum circle plate

What do you know about aluminum circle plate

Aluminum circle plate are widely used in electronics, kosmetika, dori, culture, education and automotive parts. Elektr jihozlari, izolyatsiya, mashinasozlik ishlab chiqarish, avtomobilsozlik, aerokosmik, harbiy, die, qurilish, poligrafiya va boshqa sanoat tarmoqlari. Such as kitchen utensils such as non-stick pans, pressure cookers and other hardware products such as

Asosiy foydalanish 6 seriyali alyuminiy qotishmasi

6005 dan kattaroq kuch va balandlik talab qiladigan strukturaviy qismlar uchun ekstrudirovka qilingan profillar va quvurlar qo'llaniladi 6063 qotishmalar, zinapoyalar kabi, Televizor antennalari, va boshqalar. 6009 Avtomatik korpus paneli 6010 Varaq: Avtomobil tanasi 6061 muayyan quvvatga ega bo'lgan turli sanoat tuzilmalarini talab qiladi, yuqori payvandlash qobiliyati va yuqori korroziyaga chidamliligi, quvurlar kabi, tayoqchalar, shaklli material

We send 500kg aluminium foil raw material for laminated to Korea customer

Order details Product name: aluminium foil raw material for laminated Alloy / jahl: 1235 O Inner diameter/core = 152mm Thickness: 0.008mm Width: 960mm

Alyuminiy plastinka ichidagi boshqa nopoklik komponentlarining alyuminiy tekis qatlam yuzasiga ishlov berishga ta'siri

Oksidlanishdan keyin rangsiz va shaffof oksidli plyonka talabini ko'rib chiqsak, 5 va 6 seriyali alyuminiy tekis qatlam yaxshiroq va oksidlanishdan keyin ham ranglanishi mumkin. Agar faqat anodlash va zich anodik oksidli plyonka hosil qilish imkoniyati talab etilsa, va rang uchun hech qanday talab yo'q, ko'pchilik alyuminiy plitalar oksidlanishi mumkin. Oksidlanishni tanlashdan oldin

Reasons for the formation of defects in color coated aluminum coils? Common 5 types of factors

Color coated aluminum coils in the production and manufacturing process of aluminum coil is a very critical process, the quality of the coating is good or bad, will affect. Affect the decorative effect of the product. Sometimes due to the influence of some factors, will cause the formation of defects in the aluminum roll, what is the reason for this? The com

Regular Specifications and Tolerance Control Of The aluminum Checkered Plate

Regular Specifications and Tolerance Control Of The aluminum Checkered Plate The checkered plate has pointer type, five bars, three bars and two bars. The checkered plate can use 1 seriya, 3 seriya, 5 series and other alloys. According to market demand and performance requirements, different alloys are selected for production. The checkered plate pr

alu alu foil

Some info of alu alu foil

Cold Formed aluminum foil / alu alu foil is a new type of packaging pharmaceutical product. It is also the best quality packaging material. It is almost completely isolated from water vapor, oxygen and ultraviolet light. A single blister forms an independent part and has no effect on other drugs. Tuzilishi: NY (OPA) / Al / PVC Specifications: Kengligi: ≤90

Why do computer keyboards use aluminum?

With the popularity of the Internet, the data survey of China's Internet users ranked first in the world, the carrier of this information is the cell phone and computer, in order to work convenient, easy to carry, the laptop operation was born, coupled with the migration of the Internet to the mobile, the trend of the mobile Internet to get the world, it is

Aluminum Foil Use In Different Areas

Shu kunlarda, alyuminiy folga ko'plab sohalarda keng qo'llaniladi. Moslashuvchan qadoqlash kabi, oshxonadan foydalanish, issiqlik izolatsiyasi va boshqa foydalanish. Ushbu tarmoqlar davomida, ba'zida yalang'och folga foydalanish uchun etarli emas, Biz folga qog'oz kabi turli xil materiallar bilan laminatlashimiz kerak, PE, PVX va boshqalar. And here we would like to introduce some detailed use in different area. Hua