Cos'è un foglio di alluminio rivestito in rotolo?

Aluminum sheet roll coated is also called as painted aluminum coil, lo spessore è 0.18-1.5 mm, Un foglio di alluminio da 3 mm è una norma di tutti i giorni 580 - 1850 mm. La bobina in alluminio rivestito di colore presenta vantaggi come un bell'aspetto, uso durevole, peso leggero, molta forza, buon adattamento alla temperatura, buona capacità di prevenzione incendi, forte resistenza agli acidi, buon isolamento acustico, facile manutenzione, easy cleaning and so on, and its cost is low with good decorative effect at the same time, so color coated aluminum coil as a new kind of wall decoration materials is very popular in recent years, with stone, glass curtain wall, they are regard as three largest curtain wall materials. The profession of attention and love. In the highly competitive in many types of decorative board.

lamiera di alluminio rivestita a rullo

It’s widely used for building curtain wall, old building renovation, facade decoration, cartelloni, segni, all kinds of equipment, machine tool appearance decoration, metropolitana, the tunnel inside decoration, airport decoration, decoration of all kinds of office furniture and civilian furniture production.