Deformed aluminum sheet aluminium alloy plate production process


Rolling is a plastic deformation process in which the billet is pulled into the rotating rolls by friction, and the cross section is reduced, the shape is changed, the thickness is thinned and the length is increased by the pressure exerted by the rolls. Depending on the direction of rotation of the rolls, rolling can be divided into longitudinal rolling, horizontal rolling and oblique rolling. In longitudinal rolling, the direction of rotation of the working rolls is opposite, and the longitudinal axis of the rolls is perpendicular to the axis of the rolls, which is the most common method in flat roll rolling of aluminum alloy plate, strip and foil; in transverse rolling, the direction of rotation of the working rolls is the same, and the longitudinal axis of the rolls is parallel to the axis of the rolls, which is rarely used in aluminum alloy plate and strip rolling; in oblique rolling, the direction of rotation of the working rolls is the same, and the longitudinal axis of the rolls is The longitudinal axis of the roll is at a certain inclination angle. In the production of aluminum alloy plate and tube and a certain shaped product, two or more rolls are commonly used in the oblique rolling. According to the different roll systems, aluminum alloy plate rolling can be divided into two-roller (a pair of) system rolling, multi-roller system rolling and special roll system (such as planetary rolling, V-shaped rolling, etc.) rolling. According to different shapes of rolls, aluminum alloy plate rolling can be divided into flat roll rolling and hole-shaped roll rolling. According to different product varieties, aluminum alloy plate rolling can be divided into plate, strip and foil rolling, bar, flat bar and shaped profile rolling, pipe and hollow profile rolling, etc.


Extrusion is a processing method in which the billet is loaded into the extrusion barrel and the pressure is applied to the metal through the extrusion shaft to make it extrude from the die hole of a given shape and size to produce plastic deformation and obtain the required extruded product. According to the different directions of metal flow during extrusion, extrusion can be divided into forward extrusion, reverse extrusion and joint extrusion. Forward extrusion, the direction of movement of the extrusion axis and the direction of flow of extruded metal, while the reverse extrusion, the direction of movement of the extrusion axis and the direction of flow of extruded metal opposite. According to the heating temperature of the billet, extrusion can be divided into hot extrusion and cold extrusion. Hot extrusion is heated above the recrystallization temperature of the ingot billet for extrusion, cold extrusion is at room temperature for extrusion.


Drawing is a processing method in which the aluminum and aluminum alloy billet (wire or billet) is pulled out of the die hole of a given shape and size by a drawing machine (or drawing machine) through a clamp to produce plastic deformation and obtain the desired tube, bar, type or wire. According to the variety and shape of the products produced, stretching can be divided into wire stretching, pipe stretching, bar stretching and profile stretching. Tube stretching can be further divided into empty stretching, stretching with core head and flowing core head stretching. The main elements of stretching process are stretching machine, stretching die and stretching reel. According to the stretching with die, stretching can be divided into single-mode stretching and multi-mode stretching.


Forging is a processing method in which a forging hammer or press (mechanical or hydraulic) applies pressure to aluminum and aluminum alloy ingots or forging billets by means of a hammer or indenter to produce plastic deformation of the metal. There are two basic methods of forging aluminum alloy plates: free forging and die forging. Free forging is to place the workpiece between the flat anvil (or anvil) for forging; die forging is to place the workpiece in a die of a given size and shape, and then apply pressure to the workpiece for forging deformation, and obtain the required die forging parts.

aluminum sheet aluminium alloy plate

Other plastic forming methods for aluminum sheet aluminium alloy plate

At present, people have also researched and developed a variety of new aluminum processing methods, they are mainly

  • Pressure casting forming method, such as low, medium and high pressure forming, extrusion forming, etc.
  • Semi-solid forming method, such as semi-solid rolling, semi-solid extrusion, semi-solid drawing, liquid die forging, etc.
  • Continuous forming method, such as continuous casting and extrusion, high-speed continuous casting and rolling, conform continuous extrusion method, etc.
  • Composite forming method, such as laminated rolling method, multi-billet extrusion method, etc.
  • Deformation heat treatment method, etc.

Aluminum alloy plate processing material to calendering material (plate, strip, strip, foil material) and extrusion material (tube, bar, type, wire) the most widely used, the largest production, according to recent statistics, the annual output of these two types of materials accounted for the world's total annual output of aluminum (average) 58% and 39%, the rest of aluminum processing material, such as forging products, only accounted for a few percent of the total output of aluminum.