3003 cewka aluminiowa do elastycznego podłączenia akumulatora zasilającego

Według danych opublikowanych przez China Automobile Association, od stycznia do lipca 2017, zakończono produkcję i sprzedaż nowych pojazdów energetycznych w Chinach 272,000 jednostki i 251,000 odpowiednio jednostki, wzrost 26.2% I 21.5% odpowiednio rok do roku. The rapid growth of new energy vehicle production and sales will certainly drive the rapid development of the lithium battery industry, according to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to August 2017, the cumulative total output of lithium batteries in China was 666,129.2 milion, wzrost 51.18% year-on-year.

Affected by this, the performance of a number of enterprises related to the lithium battery industry showed varying degrees of growth, as of July 31, 2017, z 85 lithium battery-related listed companies released in the half-yearly forecast, the net profit is expected to exceed 500 million yuan in 7; więcej niż 100 million yuan in 39, rozliczanie 45.88%.

3003 cewka aluminiowa do akumulatora zasilającego

All walks of life, lithium battery industry performance growth also promote the development of aluminum processing industry, lithium battery with aluminum foil rolls really a lot of places, including in the lithium battery soft package connection using 3003 cewka aluminiowa. 3003 aluminum coil has high plasticity, odporność na korozję, przewodnictwo elektryczne i cieplne, ale słaba siła, obróbka cieplna nie może wzmocnić obrabialności, nie jest dobra; can gas welding, hydrogen atomic welding and contact welding, nie jest łatwo lutować; easy to withstand Various pressure processing and extension, pochylenie się.

We actively invest in research and development work, after many trials, 3003-O aluminum coil in the soft connection experiments successfully, the narrowest can be cut to 15mm, can meet the production needs of power batteries. W tym samym czasie 3003 aluminum coil can also be used on the power battery explosion-proof valve, effectively prevent the battery from continuing to charge after a full charge, reducing the chances of battery explosion.