Jakie są środki ostrożności przy stosowaniu aluminiowej cewki termoizolacyjnej ?

The elegancki powierzchnia and excellent quality of thermal insulation aluminum coil have become the first choice for users in many fields. Ze względu na różne cele, muszą zwrócić szczególną uwagę na ich zastosowanie. Więc, jakie są środki ostrożności przy stosowaniu aluminiowej cewki termoizolacyjnej?

thermal insulation aluminum coil

Pierwszy, jeśli ma być oddany do użytku, it should be at normal temperature. The temperature should not be overheated or too cold. If it is used as a roof, the height should not be less than 10 stopni.

Drugi, check in time before the installation to ensure that the roof materials are free of wear and tear, that they can be used properly and that they have a long service life under normal conditions.

Trzeci, the bolt head for fixing the thermal insulation aluminum coil shall be sealed with a material with strong water resistance to prevent rainwater from entering and rusting.

Fourth, the ambient temperature for the processing of insulated aluminum coil shall be above 7 ℃. The gap of the processing roll system shall be adjusted according to the thickness of insulated aluminum coil, and the foreign matters on the roll surface and support plate shall be removed; Na the same time, check whether the paint on both sides of the thermal insulation aluminum coil is off. If the paint is off, find out the causes and take measures before continuous processing.

To ensure the construction quality of thermal insulation aluminum coil, the installation shall be carried out in strict accordance with the above conditions.