Co oznacza status H 5083 reprezentuje płyta aluminiowa? Jakie są właściwości mechaniczne 5083 blachy aluminiowe h116?

5083 płyta aluminiowa to stop aluminium i magnezu serii 5, która jest typową antykorozyjną płytą aluminiową o dobrej odporności na korozję, doskonała spawalność i dobra podatność na obróbkę na zimno. Jego główne stany to o, H12, h14, H16, h18, H19, H22, H24, H26, godz.28, H32, H34, H36, godz.38, h111, h112, h114, h116, H321, itp. jego typowe stany to h112 / h116 / H321, which is widely used to make tank car body / tank body, automobile oil tank Bus skin, marine ship board and other fields.

5083 aluminum plate is our advantageous product. It has been successfully used on yachts, cruise ships and other ships. It has good application effect and good reputation.

blachy aluminiowe 5083 h116

H state is a common state of finished aluminum plate, which represents that the aluminum plate has been work hardened to improve the strength. H state is a state with many subdivision states. The performance of aluminum plates with the same specification and brand will be greatly different with different subdivision states. H116 status is applicable to products made of 5-series alloys with magnesium content ≥ 4.0%, which have specified mechanical properties and spalling corrosion resistance requirements.

blachy aluminiowe 5083 h116 are a commonly used state of 5083 Aluminiowa płyta, with high tensile strength σ B (MPA) ≥ 305mpa, conditional yield strength σ 0.2 (MPA) ≥ 215mpa, elongation δ 10 (%) ≥ 20, elongation δ 5(%)≥12