Jak wygląda proces powstawania 1100 blacha aluminiowa?

1100 blacha aluminiowa is formed through the process known as cold working. Ponadto, jest to najpopularniejszy znany proces formowania aluminium 1100. Dobra, daj nam znać w skrócie proces jego powstawania.

  1. Najpierw, opracowywany jest cały zestaw procesów obróbki metali. Po tym, wykonywany jest dowolny rodzaj formowania metalu. W przeciwnym razie, a framing process is made to happen, which is close to room temperature.
  2. It is expected to be cold-worked and raw. Z drugiej strony, it is in the hot-filled category as well. Yet more as often as possible, aluminium is melded through turning, stepping and drawing processes.
  3. Niemniej jednak, it does not require the utilization of a high or hot degree of temperature.
  4. These cycles produce aluminium shapes such as foil, sheets of course, besides plates, long poles, paski, and wire.