Na co należy zwrócić uwagę podczas przechowywania cewki aluminiowej?

After purchasing the cewka aluminiowa, musimy pamiętać, aby dobrze ją ułożyć. Dzieje się tak, ponieważ jeśli nie jest umieszczony na miejscu, łatwo jest utlenić aluminiową cewkę, co straci na znaczeniu zakup cewki aluminiowej. Dlatego, musimy wiedzieć, gdzie należy umieścić cewkę aluminiową.

1. Wrap the aluminum coil with plastic film. If conditions permit, it is better to place it in the place with desiccant, so that the moisture in the air can be absorbed, so as to avoid the problem of oxidation;

2. If the aluminum coil is placed in a wooden box, we should ensure that the humidity of the wooden box is less than 18%, and the temperature of the aluminum coil should not be higher than 45 ℃. Don't make a mistake;

3. If it suddenly changes from the low temperature area to the high temperature area during storage, we should not open the package immediately, because it is easy to cause oxidation. We should wait until the aluminum coil is suitable for unpacking, so that oxidation will not occur;

4. If there is leakage of rain and snow in the warehouse, aluminum coils should not be placed, so it is easy to cause oxidation, which must be borne in mind.