Avantajele și dezavantajele 5 Foaie de aluminiu din aliaj de magneziu din serie utilizată în carcasa produsului electronic

5 Aliajul de magneziu din aluminiu de serie este un produs din aliaj de aluminiu utilizat pe scară largă, cu mărci reprezentative de 5052 / 5005 / 5754 / 5454 / 5083 / 5154 / 5086 / 5A06, etc. mg este principalul element de aliaj, care este adesea folosit ca placă de aluminiu antirugină datorită capacității sale bune de antirugină. Aliajul de aluminiu magneziu are multe avantaje. Many automobile manufacturers use this alloy to replace traditional materials and apply it to automobile doors, steering wheels and engines to realize automobile lightweight. în plus, aluminum magnesium alloy is also widely used in electronic products.

tabla de aluminiu magneziu

As for 5052 tabla de aluminiu magneziu, it is often used in the shell of 3C products. It has the following advantages and disadvantages

Avantaje: 5052 aluminum plate has small density, good heat dissipation, rigiditate bună, not easy to deform after long-term use, rezistență la coroziune, beautiful color and easy coloring. It can be changed into various colors through surface treatment process to add luster to electronic products. The low density makes electronic products portable. Prin urmare, many notebook computer products adopt aluminum magnesium alloy shell technology.

Disadvantages: aluminum magnesium alloy is not very strong and wear-resistant, the cost is high, and it is difficult to form, so laptops generally only use aluminum magnesium alloy on the top cover, and few models use aluminum magnesium alloy to manufacture the whole casing.