Mai multe clasificări și metode de formare a tablei de aluminiu periat

Aluminiul periat este un proces de răzuire în mod repetat a liniilor de foi de aluminiu cu șmirghel, iar procesul său de producție se împarte în principal în 3 părți: deesterificare, măcinarea și spălarea nisipului. Aluminiul periat este utilizat pe scară largă în panourile compozite din aluminiu periat, panouri ignifuge, rame foto din aluminiu, dulapuri fine, usi si ferestre fine, veneer panels, semne, iluminat, decor interior si exterior, aparate electrocasnice, saci, cadouri, mobila, electronice de consum, etc. It is a kind of decorative sheet that is quite popular at present.

Brushed aluminum sheet is mainly divided into straight brushed, messy brushed, corrugated brushed, rotary brushed, threaded brushed, etc. The following is a brief introduction of the above brushed aluminum sheet forming methods.

Wire drawing process is different, the pattern of wire drawing aluminum plate is also different.

Linear texture brushed aluminum sheet: the surface of the aluminum plate with mechanical abrasion method to process a straight line pattern, with a brush to remove the surface scratches and decorate the surface of the aluminum plate double role. Straight wire drawing has continuous wire pattern and intermittent wire pattern, connecting wire drawing can be obtained by continuous horizontal line rubbing on the metal surface with a cleaning cloth or stainless steel brush. Change the diameter of the stainless steel wire, you can get different thickness of the grain.

Random pattern brushed aluminum plate: Messy wire drawing aluminum plate is in the high-speed operation of the copper wire brush, aluminum plate before and after the left and right friction to obtain a kind of irregular, no obvious grain of matte aluminum plate.

Wave texture brushed aluminum plate: corrugated wire drawing aluminum plate is generally made on the brush and rubbing machine, the use of the upper group of axial movement of the grinding roller, grinding in the metal surface, resulting in wavy pattern.

Rotate texture brushed aluminum plate: spin wire drawing aluminum plate is the use of hair columnar felt or stone nylon wheel mounted on the drill press, with kerosene and polishing ointment, the metal surface for rotary polishing obtained by a kind of silk pattern, it is mostly used for round signs and small decorative dial decorative processing.

Spiral brushed aluminum plate: Threaded brushed aluminum plate is a small motor equipped with a round felt on the shaft, fixed on the table, and the table edge at an angle of 60 grade, using the rotation of the felt and the linear movement of the dragging plate, the surface of the aluminum plate spinning and rubbing the width of the thread pattern.