Care este materialul Al-Mg-Mn 3004 plăci de aluminiu? Care sunt caracteristicile?

Placa Al-Mg-Mn este un fel de material pentru acoperiș și perete exterior care este destul de rentabil. Aliajul de aluminiu este utilizat pe scară largă în industria construcțiilor, si joaca un rol important in dezvoltarea arhitecturii moderne in directia confortului, lejeritate, durabilitate, economie si protectia mediului.

Aluminiu-magneziu-mangan 3004 plăci de aluminiu are widely recognized as the roofing and exterior wall material with a lifetime of more than 50 years for architectural design because of its moderate structural strength, rezistenta la intemperii, stain resistance and easy bending and welding processing.

3004 plăci de aluminiu

The characteristics of Al-Mg-Mn 3004 placă din tablă de aluminiu

1. Plasticitate bună: the same is because the main material is aluminum, so it is easy to process.

2. Convenient installation: aluminum material can be connected in many ways, ca: sudare, gluing and riveting, etc.

3. Protectia mediului: this material can be recycled, and can be recycled.

4. Greutate ușoară: the density is only 1/3 de otel.

5. Putere mare: Through special processing and treatment, it can achieve high strength.

6. Rezistență la coroziune: Because the composition is aluminum, it has excellent rust resistance and can form an oxide layer to prevent oxidation and light corrosion, and is resistant to acid and alkali.