care este aliajul de aluminiu 3003?

Aliaj din aluminiu 3003 is an alloy in the wrought aluminum-manganese family .We called 3000 or 3xxx series aluminum. Se poate lucra la rece (dar nu, spre deosebire de alte tipuri de aliaje de aluminiu, tratat termic) pentru a produce tempere cu o rezistenţă mai mare dar cu o ductilitate mai mică. Ca majoritatea celorlalte aliaje de aluminiu-mangan.

3003 este un aliaj de uz general cu rezistență moderată, lucrabilitate bună, și rezistență bună la coroziune. Este de obicei laminată și extrudată, dar de obicei nu falsificate. Ca aliaj forjat, nu se foloseste la turnare. It is also commonly used in sheet metal applications such as gutters, downspouts, acoperișuri, and siding.

aliaj din aluminiu 3003

Alternate designations include 3.0517 and A93003. 3003 aluminum and its various tempers are covered by the ISO standard 6361 and the ASTM standards B209, B210, B211, B221, B483, B491, and B547

3003 Aluminum production process

  • CC mother coil (made by casting rolling)or DC mother coil(made by hot -rolled production)
  • Rouging by cold rolling mill
  • Finishing rolling by foil mill
  • Cleaning and straightening by straightening machine
  • Annealing (dangling annealing) to charge the temper
  • Ambalare (from the inner to the outer:folie de plastic,fiber carton,wooden pallet with steel strip tied), put the drier into the package to prevent damp by sea.

3003 aluminum was produced with an high standard requirement.Which also have better quality to meet your all kinds of requirement.