Qurilish materiallarini ishlab chiqaruvchi alyuminiy plastinkaning xususiyatlariga kirish

Metall alyuminiy qatlam, bu qimmat va etarlicha qattiq emas, 20-asr boshlariga qadar qurilish uchun foydalanilmagan = u asosan me'moriy detallarni bezash uchun ishlatilgan, alyuminiy esa tomlarda ishlatila boshlandi, suv o'tkazmaydigan taxtalar, devor taxtalari va shpallar. The first widespread use of aluminum in buildings was that parts of the tower structure and spire were made of aluminum, as well as components such as entrances, elevator doors, decorative panels and more than 6000 window arches.

metal sheet aluminum

As a material, aluminum also has an excellent strength to weight ratio, which means that the exterior wall system made of aluminum can be smaller than steel plates. Contemporary aluminum alloys can also support the weight of heavy glass spans to maximize the building's ability to use natural sunlight. The metal and its alloy components are light, bardoshli, corrosion-resistant and can be recycled indefinitely. According to statistics, roughly 75% of all aluminum products are still in use.

Aluminum is a white light metal with rich resources. The global output of aluminum is second only to steel.
Elektron mahsulotlarni qo'llash sohasida, yuqori issiqlik va elektr o'tkazuvchanligi va alyuminiy plastinka oksidlanish texnologiyasi orqali zangga qarshi mukammal funktsiyasi tufayli, alyuminiy qotishmasi elektron platada keng qo'llaniladi, issiqlik o'tkazuvchan taxta, batareya qobig'i, chiroq materiali, mis alyuminiy kompozit taxta, sxemaning pastki plitasi, quvvat batareyasi qobig'i, kompyuterning anakarti, shassi qobig'i, ichki astar, ichki qism, vilka, rozetka, sim, kabel, va boshqalar.

Compared with other materials, aluminum alloy is widely used in electronic products because of its advantages.

1. Alyuminiyning zichligi kichik, bu 2,7 g/sm, faqat 35% po'latdan. Bu ajoyib engil materialdir. Alyuminiyning yuzasi tabiiy ravishda zich alyuminiy oksidi plyonkasini hosil qilishi mumkin, which can avoid further oxidation and has excellent antirust function.

2. Alyuminiy yuzasi yuqori porloqlikka ega, ko'p rang berish jarayonlari, oson rang berish va obodonlashtirish.

3. Alyuminiy mukammal yorug'lik va issiqlikni aks ettirish va o'tkazuvchanlik xususiyatlariga ega, which can enhance the effect of heating sterilization and low temperature treatment of food cans.

4. Alyuminiyning mexanik xususiyatlari past haroratda o'zgarishsiz qolishi mumkin, particularly suitable for the packaging of frozen food.

5. The composite film made of aluminum foil is entirely airtight and light tight, which can effectively protect the internal food. Aluminum foil can also enhance the strength of aluminum-plastic composite film.

6. Chiqindilarni qayta ishlash mumkin, bu nafaqat energiya sarfini tejashga qodir, but also avoid public hazards caused by waste and meet the requirements of environmental protection.