Anodlangan oyna alyuminiy plitasi haqida bilib oling

Anodlangan oyna alyuminiy plitasi anodlash jarayonidir. Alyuminiy yoki metall qotishmasidan tayyorlangan anodlar sirtda alyuminiy oksidi qoplamini hosil qilish uchun suyuq elektrolitga joylashtiriladi.. Alyuminiy va uning qotishmalari yuzlab mikron qalinligi bo'lgan anodlangan qatlamga ega bo'lishi mumkin.

Qo'shimcha, the anodized gold aluminum mirror sheet's adsorption performance is excellent, allowing it to withstand corrosion, wear, & weathering. Keyin, electrolytic coloring can be applied. The following steps comprise the anodizing procedure: bronze or titanium electrochemical coloring, muhrlash, and unloading.

anodized mirror sheet

These plates can be found in many applications, from mobile phones to desktops to aircraft parts to precise instruments to radio equipment. The anodizing method is varied for each application.

In addition to its corrosion, stain, and fingerprint-resistant properties, an aluminum reflector sheet is also commonly utilized in electronic equipment because of its excellent thermal conductivity.

Aluminum alloy is increasingly being used as the hull structure of high-speed passenger ships due to the growth of the shipping industry worldwide and the associated demand for efficiency. Because seawater has severe corrosiveness, aluminum alloys frequently require surface treatment to increase their environmental adaptability.

Huawei alyuminiy is a major provider of anodized aluminum sheets in various alloys and thicknesses, kabi 3 mm va 6 mm.