Alyuminiy qatlamni anodlashning umumiy jarayoni

Asosiy jarayon - bu:
(1) Yuzaki ishlov berish: Sof substratni ochish uchun profilning yuzasi kimyoviy yoki fizik usullar bilan tozalanadi, to'liq va zich sun'iy oksidi plyonkasini olishni osonlashtirish uchun. Oyna yoki mat (mat) sirtlarni mexanik vositalar bilan ham olish mumkin.
(2) Anodlash: Muayyan jarayon sharoitida, the surface of the pretreated profile will undergo anodization on the surface of the substrate to form a dense, porous, and strong AL203 film layer. (3) Sealing: The pores of the porous oxide film formed after anodization are sealed, so that the anti-pollution, corrosion resistance and wear resistance of the oxide film are enhanced.

Oksid plyonkasi rangsiz va shaffofdir. Using the strong adsorption of the oxide film before sealing, some metal salts are adsorbed and deposited in the film pores, so that the surface of the profile can show many colors other than the original color (silver white), kabi: qora, bronza, Gold and stainless steel.