Harbiy sohada alyuminiy qotishma materiallari tendentsiyasi

Alyuminiy qotishmalari har doim harbiy sanoatda eng ko'p ishlatiladigan metall konstruktiv materiallardan biri bo'lib kelgan. Alyuminiy qotishma materiali past zichlik xususiyatlariga ega, yuqori quvvat va yaxshi ishlov berish ko'rsatkichlari. Strukturaviy material sifatida, uning mukammal qayta ishlash ko'rsatkichlari tufayli, uni profilga aylantirish mumkin, quvurlar, and high-strength plates of various cross-sections, so as to give full play to the potential of the material and improve Member rigidity and strength. Shuning uchun, aluminum alloy is the preferred lightweight structural material for weapon lightweighting.

aluminum alloy materials in military

The development trend of aluminum alloys is to pursue high purity, yuqori quvvat, high toughness and high temperature resistance. The aluminum alloys used in the military industry mainly include aluminum-lithium alloys, aluminum-copper alloys and aluminum-zinc-magnesium alloys. The new aluminum-lithium alloy is used in the aviation industry, and the weight of the aircraft is expected to be reduced by 8% uchun 15%; the aluminum-lithium alloy will also become a candidate structural material for aerospace vehicles and thin-walled missile casings. With the rapid development of the aerospace industry, the research focus of aluminum-lithium alloys is still to solve the problems of poor toughness in the thickness direction and reduce costs.