Alyuminiy lasanning mexanik xususiyatlariga tavlanadigan pechda ichki rulonni joylashtirishning ta'siri

Bobin issiq havo oqimining yo'nalishini va o'zgarish usulini takomillashtirishdan keyin joylashtiriladi, issiq havo oqimini yaxshilashdan oldin sekinroq bo'ladi, Buning sababi, yuqori va pastki sirt maydonining bobini kattaroqdir, issiq havoning blokli ta'siri yanada aniqroq bo'ladi, va bobinning yuzasi va yo'nalishi bir-biriga perpendikulyar bo'lgani uchun, so hot blast theory on each plate stay longer, so the temperature of the hot air will decline, hot air in contact with the plate, the temperature will be lower than the previous temperature, thus more let the temperature differences between different coil increasing.In addition, due to the surface of the hot air leaving the coil, the 90 - degree shift will happen, this shift is largely theoretical, in most cases the wind of change is not 90 daraja, so the wind will happen after a coil, anavi, when the vertical blowing hot air after a first coil of the wind, not as a vertical direction will happen some deviation, and with the upward mobility, hot wind deviation will be more and more big, so at the top of the furnace, the wind will be very confusion, may appear more than hot breeze blowing the same coil at the same time,And some coil and no hot wind to heat the situation.

Boshqa tarafdan, the improved coil placement method can effectively increase the number of coils placed in the furnace, which can also greatly reduce the cost of coil heating.


Through the above analysis, we can see clear that improvements in the annealing furnace coil placed way, Birinchidan, effectively alleviate the same coil heating temperature nonuniformity, and also can effectively reduce the temperature difference between the different coil, the last is the laying methods can increase the number of coil is placed inside the furnace, reduce the cost of heating coil.