Sut kukunini yopish uchun alyuminiy folga qopqoqlarining afzalliklari qanday?

Ayni paytda, bozorda sut kukuni bilan bevosita aloqada bo'lgan sut kukuni qopqog'i asosan alyuminiy folga qilingan, asosan namlik o'tkazmaydigan va muhrlanish rolini o'ynaydi, chunki sut kukuni qopqog'i alyuminiy folga oson yirtilib ketadigan qopqoq ichki qopqoq va tashqi qopqoqdan iborat. Ichki qopqoqni qopqoq tuzilishini yirtib tashlash oson, ichida 50 ~ 60mm thick aluminum foil attached to the pull ring, aluminum foil outer edge heat sealing or adhesion in the tin-plated thin steel plate cover ring, through the ring and the can body tightly fixed, so that the inner lid and the can body. Aluminum foil easy to tear cover open, just use your fingers to pull up the ring and pull upward, aluminum foil can be torn off along the side of the can. Aluminum foil lids for milk powder can sealing are used to protect the inner lid and to close the can again after the inner lid is opened.

sut kukuni uchun alyuminiy folga qopqoqlari muhrlangan bo'lishi mumkin

The milk powder easy-tear cover has higher requirements for the food grade of aluminum foil and the quality of the product. Take the 8011 aluminum foil produced by Huawei Aluminum as an example, the 8011 aluminum foil of Aluminum meets the food grade requirements, with a flat version; strict layout requirements, no black oil spots, tirnalgan, small black silk, bright lines, roller printing bump, mosquitoes and other phenomena; cutting edge quality, no burr, tower type, tampering layer can, ruffled edge, flip edge, bumpy point light phenomenon; brushing water Must reach the A standard; packaging moisture-proof, to avoid oxidation. A different point of the finished product thickness control within ± 4%.