O'rtasidagi farqlar qanday 5454 alyuminiy lavha metall va 5182 alyuminiy plastinka

Yaqin o'tkan yillarda, yangi yuqori sifatli material sifatida, alyuminiy qotishmasi ko'proq foydalanuvchilar tomonidan ma'qullanadi va asta-sekin ko'plab sohalarda an'anaviy materiallarni almashtiradi. Orasida 1-8 seriyali alyuminiy qotishmalari, 5 seriyali alyuminiy magniy qotishmalari ayniqsa keng qo'llaniladi. Ular orasida, 5454 alyuminiy plastinka va 5182 alyuminiy plastinka vakili mahsulotlardir. Both of them have medium strength, yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik, processability and weldability. But there are many differences.

The main alloy elements of 5454 alyuminiy plastinka va 5182 aluminum plate are magnesium, and the essential difference between them lies in the composition and content of alloy elements. The content of magnesium and manganese in 5182 is more than that of 5454, and there are some differences in performance and application.

5454 alyuminiy qatlamli metall

5454 alyuminiy qotishmasi:

Silicon Si: ≤ 0.25
Copper Cu: ≤ 0.10
Mg: 2.4 ~ 3.0
Zinc Zn: ≤ 0.25
Mn: 0.50 ~ 1.0
Titanium Ti: ≤ 0.20
Cr: 0.05 ~ 0.20
Fe: 0.000 ~ 0.400
Al: nafaqa

5182 aluminum plate alloy:

Zinc Zn: ≤ 0.25
Cr: ≤ 0.10
Silicon Si: ≤ 0.20
Fe: 0.000 ~ 0.350
Mn: 0.20 ~ 0.50
Mg: 4.0 ~ 5.0
Titanium Ti: ≤ 0.10
Copper Cu: ≤ 0.15
Al: nafaqa

Not only that, they are also used for different purposes. 5454 alyuminiy qatlamli metall is used in welded structures, bosimli idishlar, offshore facilities and pipelines. 5182 alyuminiy plastinka, thick plate and thin plate are widely used. The thin plate is used to process can covers, automobile body panels, control panels, stiffeners, brackets and other parts.