Qanday holatlar alyuminiy katakchali varaqning yomon mexanik xususiyatlariga olib kelishi mumkin?

Alyuminiy katakli varaq, alyuminiy shashka plitasi sifatida ham tanilgan, tez-tez ishlatiladigan alyuminiy plitalardan biridir, alyuminiy plastinkaga asoslangan, kalendrlangan ishlovdan so'ng va alyuminiy mahsulotlarning har xil shashka ko'rinishida, katakli uslubga muvofiq, odatda qovurg'aga bo'linishi mumkin, ikki qovurg'a, uchta qovurg'a, to'rt qovurg'a, besh qovurg'a, va boshqalar.. chequered aluminum plate is an important anti-slip aluminum products, because of the chequered aluminum plate alloy series is rich, a wide range, samarali xarajat, in the car, subway and other transportation and some public places in the ground anti-slip facilities can often see its figure.

alyuminiy katakchali varaq

Whether from the use side, or from the quality side, the chequered aluminum plate in terms of mechanical properties are certain requirements, must have a very good mechanical properties, to these aspects of the request to be able to adequately satisfied. But from the production of aluminum plate, its mechanical properties are not necessarily secure, the following we analyze the situation that leads to the poor mechanical properties of chequered aluminum plate what.

In the manufacture of chequered aluminum plate, if there is bad air circulation, quenching fashion material, salt bath temperature is not enough fashion furnace, lack of insulation time and does not reach the specified temperature that is out of the furnace this situation, it will cause the mechanical properties of aluminum plate is not good. Masalan, in the manufacture of five bars chequered aluminum plate, the imprecise implementation of the heat treatment system, resulting in the heat treatment of the bad scene, must be due to the consequences of heat treatment is not good, resulting in its mechanical properties are not qualified. Similar reasons or heat treatment equipment is not deformed, the existence of this situation will also be due to the impact of the heat treatment consequences of the chequered aluminum plate, and make the aluminum plate mechanical properties unqualified this situation.

Yuqoridagilarga qo'shimcha ravishda, the laboratory heat treatment system or experimental methods used inaccurate, specimen specifications are not accurate shape or specimen name is damaged, but also due to the impact on the mechanical properties of aluminum plate test results, thus appearing mechanical properties failed.